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 No.834495[View All]

In which we find joy
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Yeah, but I don't really want to keep everyone waiting by making a species from scratch in the lobby

Awww, how cute, look who is defendind his own interests now.
Rights of other people suddenly became super important for you all of a sudden! What a heel turn!


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>look in meta
>grumpy shits about money
fuck you


And look at you trying to subvert existing laws to increase your own power while driving them out of their jobs ;^)


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Wow rude


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There are better things to do than care about people making themselves miserable


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talk about the worst topic in human history, and that's what you deserve


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>everyone fighting over the moralty of pirating games
>meanwhile on my pc


Yea, like, cats


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>vidya private tracker opens signups
>asks for a ratio portfolio
>literally only got into private trackers the day before by signing up for everything open
>and they want registered time too so grabbing all the freeleech torrents doesn't work

A-at least I have a source of obscure European films?



No, fuck you!

Sue me then
Report me to the bobbies


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Have a French fairy instead then


I don't give a shit if people pirate since I do my own share of it, but PDox is one of the very few devs left worth supporting, so I'll never pirate their products.


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Maybe instead I'll see if I could register you as a youth member of fidesz
You have exactly the kind of 'me first and fuck anyone who disagrees' attitude they seem to idolise.


I mean. I'll buy it on a sale. I was also expecting that the other dlc would go on sales with the release of Utopia


Fidesz membership requires you to not speak any languages so sadly I can't join


They are on sale on PDox' store.


And it's in pounds there, which means I can actually get it cheaper…

Eeeeeeh, I guess I'll fucking buy it then.
I was going to put some money aside for Rimworld, but I've no idea when I'd even have the time to play it


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>school starts late tomorrow
>urge to go out and get supper
>but also had a heavy dinner with the intention to not have supper



>eating more than twice a day
Wow look at Mr. Healthy lifestyle here


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>Heavy dinner
Two bowls of rice instead of one?


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eat a snack instead


>almost 4PM
>all I had today was 2 mints, 3 coffees and a Lángos

Life is hell when you got too much to do but not enough time to do them


Wow that's such a nice picture of Blaze, I love it

What Andy said. Eating something filling like bread or yogurt


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I need more to eat when I'm busy
Lazy weekends and when there's no school I wake up too late for breakfast, so that's two meals

Actually, kind of. And a bit more beef!

I really want to go out and get chicken wings, but I'm going to feel filthy after eating just one


Just get a dessert, its probably less fatty


>I really want to go out and get chicken wings, but I'm going to feel filthy after eating just one

Go for it
You won't be able to once you're busy again
Everyone needs to pig out every now and then


That's what napkins are for, BDN.


Bruh I average 5 hours of sleep a night and even I can tell that shit ain't healthy.
I hope you're at least drinking plenty of water.


I had a single glass of water today

Also, I know it's not healthy, of course I know that.
But I barely got any sleep, got up early for class, hung around the uni to find some stuff in the library, grabbed that Lángos and some groceries on the way home, took a shit, went back to the uni to discuss one of my papers with a prof, and now I'm thinking about a nap so I can stay up all night jacked up on coffee, energy drinks and smoking to keep me awake to write the essay in a single night


Dehydration makes you grumpy, go have another 5-7 glasses of water


>Dehydration makes you grumpy
Super lewd, dude!


I have some mango juice, it's decent.
But you're right, my juice and water reserves ran out yesterday and I've only wanted to do real shopping tomorrow so I didn't drink much that actually rehydrates me

Anyway, gonna nap now so I can write that shit and be done with it.


Drink first, you'll sleep better and wake up feeling less shitty


But I'm not drunk or high


Dehydration is dehydration, the effects are the same


It's funny how I can never find the perfect balance, back at home I ate in a very unhealthy fashion, now I fixed that here but I dropped the habit of drinking sparkling water exclusively and going through more than a large bottle a day


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Actually, I can, the food place is three minutes walk away and I can always order, especially since my sister would want some stuff.

Aannnd now the hunger pangs are going away. Glad I didn't fall for it

Like, filthy inside

Water is a fucking miracle
Back in the army I'm pretty making us chug a litre or so every hour was what stopped a bunch of nerds suddenly exposed to intense exercise from dying


The eternal struggle. I got into the habit of drinking enough water but drifted away from lifting or sleeping enough.


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>Water is a fucking miracle
Gee whiz, it's almost as if we fucking need it to survive almost more than anything.

I'm never going to have a decent sleep cycle, and my one dream is that once I finish my MA I can just either get a translator job or a work from home job so I'll never have to worry about my habit of preferring to be awake at night and sleep during day


Yeah, but being properly, fully hydrated is something else


I really wish I had some water right now
This day has been one of those inexplicably salty tired ones


Don't you have a water cooler in the office?

I like to bring a thermos of ice to school to fill with water as needed.


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Morning Sion
Oh man I remember back home I always used this one litter cup to drink water
The only problem is having to go to the bathroom every 45 minutes



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yea fuck being awake today


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I really wish I could run

You have some water, too!

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