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File: 1491490907993.jpg (44.5 KB, 444x453, tmp_21239-41c274219121.jpg)

 No.835522[View All]

That meta… Only my master ever had one!
Who is this guy!?
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Sleep tight.


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>tooting different sounds was heart's true gift all along


Haha! So true.


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That's so cool!


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capers were just made to bard


>DD Fort


Not true
Capers were made to be lewd
And possibly bards


Capers were made for lewd bards.


This is fact.


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Ur cool
I miss Campfires Diamond Dog Fortress quest


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A scientifically proven fact, with only one outlier.


Why thank you.


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>Umaru confirmed to get a second season this Fall
[Loud meme screeching]


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gotta go for the evening now

thanks for the break Roshan


Your welcome, anytime.


Anybody else here right now?


Everyone is busy playing Stellaris right now


Oh, are you busy?


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Well, a little bit


Are you able to do a quest with me?


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I don't, no. But thanks for the offer!

Wouldn't you rather tell us about yourself a little more instead? We're not exclusively just about quests, we're all friends here and we talk, post pons and other things


I'm currently visiting my grandmother for the weekend.


>Traditions are ripped right from Civilization
>The only Fallen Empires that spawn are the military ones that now declare war on you as soon as you blink
>the only starting event is the mass extinction one

I want a fucking refund.


That sounds nice. I miss my grandmother myself

What else do you like doing besides quests?


I try to (unsuccessfully) write a book, listen to music, and play video games, I recently got Dragon's Dogma.


What bummed me the most is the inability to make a spiritualist fanatic purifier empire.


Oh hey, a writer? No wonder you like running so much
What's your book about?

I never played Dragons Dogma though, but I'm sure someone here does


It's about a guy who gets stuck In a fantasy world and has to find a way back home.


Do you have anything of it to share with us?


It's all on paper and I still have trouble coming up with material.


Remember to talk to your waifu/husbando before you go fight the final boss. You'll know why when you get there.


Okay thanks. Haven't so far as to get a Wi-Fu yet.


Well that's fine
Do show us if you have a draft, I'd love to read it


Wait, you can't do that anymore? Those damn "religious zealots" have always been one of the biggest headaches to me in my games, and now you can't play as them?


Thanks Maali, I will. What do you do?"


You can do it, but there's a new ethic for your empire, one of the things introduced in banks, called fanatic purifiers which gives you great bonuses but forces you to actually be purging everything.
The thing is, you NEED to be fanatic xenophobe and militaristic, so you don't have any more points to take spiritualist.


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I make drawings! Mostly of stuff from our quests and the such


Did you make this pic? It looks amazing.


Well gosh, thank you. I still got ways to go but it's nice to know it's good for you


Bullshit, your bloody awesome, I haven't a tenth of your artistic drawing ability. Pat yourself on the back.


Well I don't have any drawing ability!
You're too kind though, here's my Tumblr blog if you want to see most of my drawings


What I'm seeing so far is pretty freaking sweet.



Nasse and DM draw stuffs too, you should hit them up once they're done with their gaming, or awake. They're Finnish so it's pretty late for them right now


Are you doing any quests right now?


Did you click in the new thread and make a character?


Can you post the link?


The link to the new thread is here:



Go put your character sheet in the new thread and I'll start in a few minutes.

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