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 No.675[Last 50 Posts]

Might as well make the thread about it.

PASSWORD: bonbon

24 slots

alltalk, nocrits, no random damage variance, fixed shotgun spreads, rtv, nominate, all that good stuff.

Arena maps and Degroot are only 15 minutes, instead of 30.

Map Rotation: http://db.tt/cjOpIIhN

We also got a few for fun things like !fov, highfive enemy team, and everyone's favorite:


>soiled it

But yeah, post server stuff here if shit goes haywire or you want new maps/saysounds/anything else.


Krabb I miss you

When does everyone play hats in GMT times


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Miss me? don't be silly, i never left.

People tend to start playing anywhere from the middle of afternoon to late night. It's hard to say.



Is that in Clapistan times?


Yes. To give you a more accurate idea, anywhere between 5PM and 10PM GMT -5.


Due to the increase in popularity, I've been thinking about upgrading the server to have 32 slots. However, that would require an increase in the $60 per two month fee. If you would like to have this increase, or not, please say so. I won't press donations on people, just a mention every time it comes up. Moot may hate donations, but this is for the community, and the community should have the option to donate if they want to.


>32 man server
God no please. Say goodbye to what little semblance of balance this game might have


I agreement


32 person servers are awful, 24 is more than enough.


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Oh boy, i get to do changelogs.

Updated the default sourcemod mapchooser plugin to the mapchooser_extended plugin.

15 second warning before a mapvote, and blindly pressing 1 will now forfeit your vote.

Fixed the #wowza sound.

Added 2 new saysounds.


Don't forget that scoping in and out as Sniper with your FOV above 90 no longer resets it.

Using teleporters still resets it, though, I keep forgetting to tell the guy that made the script.


>Server vanishes off the list.
What happened?


Server bill came in. It should be back up now.

Now, the bill was suppose to be paid y myself and DFG, but he hasn't responded to my PM's. So, I have to plug in the donation link.


All information is held in the up most confidence. Nothing will be made public, and I ask you to do the same please. Any amount helps, and go's directly to the server.


Can we get a sound for unf? I suggest this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kDVj5elUx0 or that clip from the video (Which I can't remember the name, hopefully someone else does) where the guy is talking about how much he loves to rail his mare and she backs into him and makes a sound that can only be described as "unf"


DFG has been MIA for a while
He said he was moving
that's all I know


If we're suggesting sounds can we also get I'M UGLY AND I'M PROUD to play whenever the word Ross is mentioned?



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Updated server for today's update

pl_pier_b11_fix added to rotation

As for the unf sound, I'm thinking I'll go with the Doomguy wallhump sound.





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Updated server for today's update

Reverted back to the standard mapchooser plugin.

probably tonight, the map is huge as hell and would take probably 2 hours for me to upload.


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Updated server for today's update




Can we enable full moon? I don't see a reason why we don't.


Because Monoculus's Eye and the Horseless Headless Horseman's Head are annoying when playing Sniper. If we could have a way to enable Full Moon while not allowing those hats I'd be all for it.


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Updated for today's update

canterlot added to server, but not to rotation. It will be used by me as cruel and unusual punishment

It would be really easy to blacklist the annoying items.

Having full moon all the time kinda ruins the fun of those items in my opinion.

but I can put it on if enough of you guys want it


I vote yes on Full Moon. We may have nocrits enabled, but we're not a comp server.


Some dude in the general said the saysounds blew out one of his headphone's speakers because people spam it.


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>they're already downloaded


>playing TF2
>with steamfags


>full moon




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Well that was fast. Do you get a notification or something?



There's a valve email list for upcoming updates, but most of the time I can just see that steam is downloading things.

and people are always ready to bitch at me over steam


Hey Krabb you fucking faggot. Enable full moon.


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Updated for update

Server should now always be in full moon mode.


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Could it be possible to don't stop the respawns of the losing team? I remember I once joined such a server where the losing team didn't stop respawning and everyone of them was forced to die several times in the humilation phase. It would be fun.


I think the humiliation phase should be something else. Maybe both teams keep their weapons but are both kritzed.


Should be good for today's update


New update, krabb pls


Okay, it should be good.

Sorry for the delay, busy busy.


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updated for reals this time

fuck gameservers





Might I suggest that this be added to the rotation?



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Okay, most of you already know, but yes, the server has been updated for today's hugeass update.


Normally i wouldn't bother with any map that uses those red/blue/orange default textures, but normally those maps don't have raining trains. I'm adding it. We'll see how it plays.


expect death

lots of it


Got a look at it last night when the server was ded, it's kind of like Babby's Second Custom Map. Some neat gimmicks here and there but otherwise it's plagued by the typical custom map issues such as lack of decorative geometry, overuse of special physics props, long, useless sideroutes, large spaces with no cover. There's a large number of deadly hazards but not quite enough to keep you on your toes, and all the pumpkin bombs are in hard-to-reach places to begin with.

The orange ramps are everywhere for demo-charging, and ironically the map might have been better if it were designed solely around that.


should be good for today


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>three days of updates in a row

We should be good now


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Removed pl_minepit and koth_trainsawlaser from rotation

added spray trace


Could you add more ctf maps to the nomination list?


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Why have we not added this map?


>custom maps
Fuck off pls


What is spray trace?


Spray trace lets you look at a spray and see who sprayed it.


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Yeah sure, just name a good CTF map and I'll add it in.

Good luck with that.


>trade map



>good CTF map

this one is pretty good.


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But if we don't add it, i'll miss my train..


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Ookay, today's update has been updated.


I'm willing to give any map a shot, but CTF in tf2 has some serious issues. Turbine is the only ctf map I've played that's managed to work with TF2's horrible CTF mechanics.

I'll add it tonight, but don't expect it to stay in rotation if it's just another 2fort.


shit, i guess you'll just have to miss it.


Remove Arena

Yeah, the problem with CTF is that a lot of the maps are too large. Turbine works well due to its smaller size and minimal claustrophobic sideroutes. I'll have to look fo rsome good customs.


Arena is okay, but reduce the time by half at least. There's no reason to keep an Arena map as long as an objective map.


In terms of size and compexity, the map is comparable to turbine


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No. Arena stays.

Turbine works because it's very hard to defend the actual Intel room. Turbine is all about the center room, and who has control over it. I haven't gotten the chance to try ctf_system, but it's in the rotation.

Arena has always been half time, it's even in the OP. 15 minutes per map.


should be gud



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Should be good for today's update.

Also, ctf_system has been removed from rotation.

Also, I'm trying out some different plugins related to map voting, so give me a heads up if shit's broke.



For those who were wondering just what the hell tan was up too



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we can barely get people to play degroot

In other news, three new saysounds.



They aren't supposed to be balanced or well designed, it's supposed to be fun.


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Somebody's gotta be the fun police. I'm trying to run a server that keeps everyone as happy as possible.

>trade map

>pl_goldrush:pokemon edition
>DM map
>2fort: minecraft edition
>pl_babbysfirstmap:pink eyebleed version
>melee map
>cp_canterlot, a gigantic map that's already on the server.

I might end up adding the victory road map, but expect super silly things to be like arena_coreyinthehouse and canterlot. Meaning only admins can change to that map.

Eventually ill get around to separating the mapcycle and nominate lists. That way, silly things can be nominated on, but they won't be in the default map rotation.


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>keep everyone happy
>1 or 2 people out of 18 (including yourself) might not like a map, so it gets removed entirely
Krabb pls, you take hats too seriously.

Also, from what I see on the new maps,
The first one says it's a control point map in the description. Looks like it could be fun.
Second one looks like a decent payload map. Worth a try?
Deathmatch can be really fun. It's like arena except without all the waiting to play bullshit or stacked teams because of uneven amounts of players. Also great for practice.
You really can't deal with CTF in TF2 at all, can you?
Fuck no on the Simpsons map.
I don't really like Degroot or melee mode, but that map at least looks halfway decent.
And I'm not fond of Canterlot, but some people like it so whatever. I'm surprised you even put it on the server.

You really have to allow people to vote on all the maps. When you're not around, they usually like playing the ones that you don't like.



>can barely get people to play degroot
That shit always wins the votes, the fuck are you smoking

And we still need CTF maps. May as well test more out if you don't want to add doublecross. What about mach4?


Speaking of votes, we need to have it so 1 is "no vote" because those who really don't care are going to press that anyway. Be sure to turn off the "Not enough players voted" option because being stuck on a map forever because people don't care is bad. If they want to stay on the map, have vote 2 be extend map or something. Even if we have twenty people vote 1 and one person votes 4, option 4 should win.


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Okay, okay.

I hear what ya'll are sayin.

Ive changed over to the naitvevotes mapchooser plugin. this means mapvotes will be handled with F1-F5.

Also, I've enabled runnoff votes. If a map doesn't win the vote by at least 50%, a second vote will happen. If not enough people vote, it should just pick the map with the most votes. 50% might be too much, but it's the default, and I can easily tweak that later. dunno how well this will work out, but I think it's worth a shot.

cp_furnace, pl_outback, cp_mainline, and ctf_chaos are in the rotation and being uploaded right now, so they should be live soon.

SOME is now a saysound.

mach4 is small as shit, but i might add the arena version later. It's way more fun as an arena map.

ctf_chaos is pretty fun. I know i hate ctf, but you're right. There aren't enough in the rotation.


Something fun to try out


It's an ammusing way to completely mess with everyone


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Oh god

how horrifying

just looking at that hurts

I'll upload them tonight


I'm so used to seeing them one way that it messed with my mind. I kept wondering if the dynamics of the map would change or not considering it's just a mirror.


I generally find that good 25% of the game is spent trying to remember left from right


Might I suggest trying this version of turbine?

It plays a little better


I recall that we played pl_borneo at one point before, or I might be confusing it with another map. Either way it just got updated.



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Server updated for today.


both sound good. pro turbine is worth a try, and I didn't know the guy was still updating borneo. Then again, I don't really keep up with map versions.

I'll get them on today or before I sleep. My upload speed is pretty damn awful.


The bill has come, it's $60. If anyone can spare any amount, it would greatly help.



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Hat update seems to have fucked linux based servers, or at least the ones our hosts are using.

Hopefully they will get their shit together soon.



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we should be back in business.



Saysound you want but know will never happen? Try this. I look forward to seeing what nonsense will spam my ears if everyone starts doing this.


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Updated for today


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Scratch that, shit's broke and wont update properly

i'll make post when shit's not broke


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NOW, were good.


Server is still broken. Two people with the same IP can't connect at the same time. Just on yours though, I tried it out on others and it worked.


Okay, server up to date and saysounds are no longer broken.

That's an odd problem, how long have you been unable to have two accounts play from the same IP?


shud b gud


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>sticky jumper gimped

reese's pieces

updated for today




alright, should be good for today

also, test



if you ever want to punish everyone, trainsawlaser just got an update

still just as shitty.


I keep finding metal boxes how do I get the things inside of them?


should be good for today.

you can pay money to buy a key to open crates

opening them will give you a "strange" version of a weapon you probably already have, or a pointless cosmetic item.

there's also a 1/100 chance of getting a pointless cosmetic item that sparkles or some shit.

save your money, delete normal crates, sell salvaged ones.


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somehow it makes me legitimately sad when people delete items


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found some wah sound files for you

download links in the description


Consider adding some of these maps


Links are in the description


Those maps are not made for play at all

they were made just to look pretty.


a serious map to consider. Actually pretty fun

A silly map to have nonsense on


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There will be a bit of change of hands when it comes the the server.

the IP will change, and shit will be all covered by me, rather than a joint with Sent.

Probably wont have a server for a few days, but it will be back up soon.


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The new server has been purchased and is pending install (might take anywhere from a few hours to a day till I'm able to mess with it.). Once it's up it will take me a bit to get everything back how it was, but I'll try to make it playable as soon as possible.

ALSO, I had a couple people wanting to throw money at me to keep the new server running.

I'd like to stress that you absolutely do not need to pay me jack shit.

But if you wanted to, here it is.




okay move it on here

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