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File: 1493590287796.jpg (93.25 KB, 503x418, 1492204348242.jpg)

 No.844318[View All]

It's a brave new world
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The fight with the army could have been dropped completely in favor of the fight with mommy I think. Would also have given more time for the flashback.

While I think Ashi has been okay, and certainly not as bad as some feared, her introduction as a main character still steals too much time from Jack. She'd have to do something really special at the end to make her inclusion a net bonus.


Yeah, there was really no reason it had to be an army versus a more satisfying mom fight. Perhaps with a couple of those brute enforcers as lead-ins before she joins the fray


I think the episode (battle side) felt fast because that's how it was to Jack, who spend hours and hours making spirit tea


This post is terrible
It has all the necessary ingredients
Yet it lacks the most important one





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Mommy was THICC


Much better


Do you think mam will be unmasked later?


Also some Fenix thoughts since I just want to blogpost them
>Feels way strong for not much effort
>At level 1 I carried normal pretty easily - which is no feat but I cleared half of Dead of Night during night just massing adepts so it's joke tier
>Level 2-3 made hard look like a joke massing adepts even vs. mass disruptor/reaver, my ostensible hard counter
>Level 4-5 start chewing through brutals by incorporating some zealots and scouts
Tempted to try the weekly mutator on hard to pick up bounty XP and make leveling faster

Fenix doesn't really call for much micro, and even his abilities don't require much babysitting. One of the least involved commanders, but his mass cloaking and all-around strength means he's certainly viable.


Sorry I missed you earlier on Mumble. My headset wasn't working and I was stuck talking through Text


>"the mother slowly removed her mask to reveal herself"
>"it was none other than I, Aku."




no big deal


Why do you think they were called the daughters of aku?


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Hey there.


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Is this your work?


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Oh hi
Autoupdate screwed me
What's up?
No sir


Well you should draw some more. I like the figure and the way she isn't thrusting her boobs into the 'camera'


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I do know you like anthro deer~


You got any that would fit into Travel?

What are your normal hours now?


poke me sometime on steam tomorrow


Alright, good night


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I have one in mind
He's kind, he's cute and he's wanderlusty
Night Andy


I can't promise anything, but if you're be around during 'Mon hours, I should be able to run for you.

Now I'm headed to bed, good night


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>tfw will never get sub interested enough in Dota to watch TI together


I'll try to continue otr in the next few days. It's been running so little I'm afraid it might just die at this rate.


that would be nicee
Sleep well
I've been trying to get into it! It's just intimidating with all the stuff it has in it
Very deep game
That's good news
But Don't push yourself too much


>tfw suddenly weird chest pain
Could this be the end of Nasse?


Does it feel better when you stretch?
I used to get that when I slept in bad positions, it's just a muscle sprain in that case


Tell me about drawing twins


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These twins?


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Sir is that nug drunk


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While I'm not hugely into draenei, Yrel is more of a qt than I expected


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Does that thing have a dick?


No, just a big hammer and loads of holy rage


>Not being in to things that are culturally obligated to slut around


So you did check it then, you perverted fuck!


>Calling others perverted
He he he


If she had one I'm sure she would have slapped Archimonde with it


>tfw our fitness group is going to a restaurant together
>It's a Chinese restaurant


>Gloria and Emma still haven't met


I haven't met anselm or percy


Also Gloria is clearly too busy fucking Percival to meet anyone else


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