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File: 1493264428903.gif (1.42 MB, 540x304, tmp_2249-1485377784970-144….gif)

 No.843185[View All]

In which we wake up in a brighter future
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Giant quest when?


I thought that was brzzzz!


Until Wf uses the shrink ray on the giant ponies


I love this image

Reminds me of this
I still want to include this as a small tidbit in a quest some day
I love this idea a lot so I need to steal it



Roll #1 2 = 2


Man this makes me want to run NLer


You always want to run NLer~
Wow cool


W-what about Smouldering special guest appearance?


It's a fucking great movie, DL it and watch it when you have the time and feel like a cute cartoon about irish faes


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This weeks Jack image


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Oooh, what did Smouldering-san grow up to do?


grow up to?

W-what?!? he's an adult!


He was a young man I thought, back then, when he got the heart.


He's an immortal demi-god!


Pretty sure he was technically an adult with his combat waifu.
I'm surprised he didn't explode.


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Wow Smouldering? You became an immortal that can rival the powers of gods too?
We should start a club.

But did he live on with his waifu in the empire's capital or one of the countries, or a nice quiet mountain, go somewhere to settle down outside of the kingdom?


He also says more puns about heat than Mr Freeze about ice!

He went to live on the north pole


Your lore has some weaksauce gods if every schmuck can just challenge them


Fallible Shinto gods are best gods.


More like worst gods


In NLer the gods left a long time ago, and its just their powers that remain, drifting their mana as natural and continuous as the water cycle.

Mortals need only collect it.

Then he might indeed have escaped the time blast.


>hottest guy around
>goes to live at the north pole
Obviously the root cause of global warming.


He has an evil lair!
It's next to a volcano!

His waifu insisted to settle there after he burnt down their 6th house!



In Destiny, every deity has their own niche
They are powerful but they require mortals to do their bidding most of the time


Oooh very spooky

PF does have a way for you to play a half elemental!


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I can test Pumpkin for shits and giggles!


In the new HS expansion you can just destroy your deck with Hemet on turn 6 if you don't have anything that costs 4 or more


I notice that they seem to not have overlapping powers.

Hehe, like a sparring match.

You'd have to ask sylt


This can only end in a complete stomp for one of the two sides. My guess is, whoever gets the drop on the other.


I was thinking more like a battle of wits


You are on.


Are you ready to start the fire?


I've been ready for a long time now.


>Pumpkin going to match wits with the guy who can read the meta

Your edifice pal


Buttermilk can be the judge



But Sion, we don't post about NLer in the meta :^)




Hey now, what's the worst she could do?


>The judge finds this contest boring. Instead it's replaced by an eating contest and a one-pony-band competition
>also I'm not the judge anymore I'm a contestant
>bring on them cakes


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>Protestant England allied with Catholic France allied with the Ottomans
End this or end me, I care not which.


Oh nooo, I got bested.
Now I only have 600 foolproof other ways to finish him off!




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It ain't so bad otherwise.


You know why she's not allowed!

>battle of wits
>meta info
but why would that help?
Unless you mean that he'd know where pumpkin stealths too


I don't! What do you have against her?



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