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File: 1491934510066.gif (1.68 MB, 500x280, very fsat nug shitposting ….gif)

 No.837653[View All]

Gremlin flavored doritos edition
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Oh Drokk, that's very chrome.

I eat my lunches as space nutrient sludge in over a cup of instant noodle, while watching stimsims of people watching the news.


I'm a hard gato, gonk.


I was refering to the gif specifically, but I guess it's no surprise you've already seen it.


Yeah, the gif I have not, thank you for sharing it, I had a good laugh at it


You're welcome. I knew you'd like it when I saw it.


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>liquid brain
these are too amusing


There's a guy in snow crash who's a Vietnamese brain in a big rig truck traveling on the roads with everything he needs automated, living in VR all the time.


My favourite part is that 'Input' is girlfriend and 'Output' is boyfriend for some reason


that's what 2020 does too, must be from a book?

Weird but cool.


Shouln't it be the other way around for obvious reasons, or am I missing some cyberpunk logic here?


It's Input for girlfriends because you put your penis in girls
It's Output for boyfriends because they put their penis in girls


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I'm not really sure, maybe its a cyberpunk joke?


Input for "PUT it IN," and Output for "shoot it OUT."
At least, that's the justification I first came to.


It'd make sense that the boyfriend is the 3.5m Jack and the girlfiend is the port

So the boyfriend is the Input since they put in the plug while the girlfriend is the Output since they are the port.


Exactly, Lazlo


But its the opposite way in these dictionaries.


That is what confuses me!


Wait no, it's backwards because the guy is giving it and the gal is receiving
So guy is OUTput and the gal is INput


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Maybe girls are input because you have to take their input on everything


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It's different from my logic so I find it hard to accept

>You know, my Cammi, this Earth 3 desert remninds me of a news anchor woman
>it goes on and on and on….


What about guy are output because they Put Out


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>Why was she dry and hot?


Wouldn't that just reinforce the "females are output" idea, though?


What do they put out though

Hot, yes
Wouldn't know


>what do they put out

o-oh. Now I'm sad.


Don't forget money.


true, just that "putting out" or having someone who "puts out" is a way of saying they'll fugg you
could be related?


It's not like they are on such a level of relationship!
It's not that Hector wouldn't, it's he doesn't want to since he thinks it'd just end up like his marriage and ruin a friendship and bitter such a nice girl, he cannot selfishly risk that


Because broken hearts make me sad.


Could be. Quality of what's "put out" may end up dependent on the amount of money spent to have that be an option, though.


>implying Cammi is interested in an old wrinkly fart who is day-as-light-obviously (to a rocker/media at least) deals with drugs and is a bitter, stubborn shit

Please! He never had a chance.




In Nier?



Nah, she just wanted a friend. Being upbeat most people as her job, dealing with unpleasant truths, and investigating corps and riots and shit.. its hard work, she needed someone who understood and appreciated it.


now I'm sad


Oh if she wants someone to be snarky and cynical with, Hector is the perfect candidate!


I bet they have nice nights drinking and shit talking their bosses.
>You would not believe the crap they want to advertise next week
>And why, are we waiting a week? Marcus is such an egotist that he thinks he can bully them into a better deal.
>And he complained that I didn't sing enough lines, when the power cord icon wasn't even up during those pieces.
>Honestly, I'd rather trade bosses, a robot would be more reasonable than Marcus was.


>You don't know what you are talking about, Dazari is not just like a robot, it's not even like any other AI, it never does anything to piss off anyone at the Turing Police and it is very careful never to overstep any boundaries, but off-records she can be a downright petty bitch
>two days ago she would not open the exit door for me unless I listened to her calculations about how I am 100% a piece of shit


>drek, that's rough. Somebot needs her circuits dusted, abuse of the "evaluation" report is barely legal.
>proceeds to drink heavily with hector


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At least she understands him, everyone else is an AI apologist ~


This game is a rollercoaster of feels and cutes.


>it's 6 Am




Your Roll20 game?


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She's seen a lot of humans displaced by AIs fall into some dark paths..
And some AIs who had to be deleted because of their cruelty..
but it all depends on who made it.


No, Nier Automata.

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