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 No.836570[View All]

Whatever it is, I don't like it.
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Get that meme garbage out of here and post the real Pepsiman.
Boy a Crystal Pepsiman would be the sickest thing.


There's also that meme ice cream commerical about Ice Cream baby eating himself


The poster for that was use in /a/'s most famous copypasta of recent memory, Keit-Ai.


But it's not Japanese so who cares.


Aren't wow loading times like .5 seconds these days


I forget sometimes that you practically don't even visit 4chan anymore, but yes


Well you get the fuck out of here with your meme fucking weebshit then, faggot.

Well, I don't go to /a/
I visit other boards
But also not /v/ because fuck that board


Fuck off, I like Japanese commercials for their high-speed editing, variety of styles, and their consistent mascots over years.


And I like American commericals because by European standards they are fucking retarded
It's why some of the best parts in a New Horse stream is when they cut to commericals and the chat explodes with memes


Okay so I had a character idea for you
She's French and her motif would be transformation (turning into animals, disguising as other people etc)

Do they teach only magic or are there other subjects like alchemy in this school?


Some of them are kinda funny, I like a new Arby's one where it's selling gyros and they're playing 'I Need a Hero' but they replace hero with gyro in the announcer guy's clearly different voice.




Alchemy is part of the curriculum, yes. Classes like magical languages and astronomy exist too but they're optionals.


Alright got it

What do you think of the character idea though? Will it fit in? Can you work with it?



Fuck yeah, the new Igorrr album is coming out


A baguette will be quite alright, but that alone doesn't really tell me much.

What's her background? Where is she from? Rural France or from a larger town? Is there a reason she'd accept a tuition offer from a somewhat questionable academy? Does she have family or is she a loner?


>Darkeater Midir's laser attack is made in reference to Shin Godzilla's 'purple laser shoots across the ground with trails of explosions behind it'
not entirely sure about that but it'd be pretty neat if so.


Can confirm.
That it's a lazer attack like that, at least


It's so obvious I think anyone who has seen it immediately thought of Godzilla.


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>hobo jesus statue



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That's not a Mercy


Oh my fucking christ
That's the cutest shit


>New OW event officially launches in 18 minutes

Really makes me think


Best Mercy skin.

Don't care how much grinding I need to do, I'm fucking getting it.


About running T?


Wait that's actually an official skin?


Friday at the earliest, I have to get so much work done this week and running so much last week didn't help



>running for two hours over two nights is too much for poor old Wf
So sad


Not that you would know, you never run anything


I don't see a market for another lewd quest here


Then perhaps consider not being a dick to the guy who runs it after you ask for it to run


Having a hard time thinking of a background for her yeah

How about… She's the daughter of two circus artists (Her mom is a makeup artist for the actors and her father is the grrreat magician), like most circus people she lives traveling from place to place so no stable home

Why She would accept the tuition from the academy… She wants to return as a Well made mage and become a stage magician to carry on her dad's legacy?


I wasn't being a dick
You're still being really touchy though


You sure sounded like one!


That was a very mean thing to say to someone dedicating Time of their life to run a game to cater to your fetishes nasse
Seriously, show some gratitude to Wf dedication, he managed to make a quest that hooked you and DM into it. I don't know how but he did it


>would have to restart or worse to make tablet work
Well shit
It was just a light-hearted jab!


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By being lewd and allowing them private one-on-one time


Update is a go, but it might take a few minutes to get patched through


You don't need to rush to come up with a backstory, you can think it over a little more if you like.

That being said, circus folks sounds fine. Interesting goal though, I'm curious if she'll corrupt change her mind during her education.

>Trying to play on patch day
This is going to be awful.


Why doesn't pokes have that?!


Thanks, I usually really struggle to think of characters, they tend to come to me in a spark of inspiration
Like when I first conceived her, I had in mind some kind of morphing expert with an attunement to animals, mainly birds

But yes I would like to leave some development for during the quest, that oughta be fun. Who knows what the academy will do to an innocent circus gal like her

Also we're doing FC, right? Do we all start as a mage or?


>D.Va's new highlight intro


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Because it doesn't fit the tone
Although it exists in-universe


Darn you and your purity


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>tfw no poke-waifu


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