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 No.731554[View All]


It is a lawless time in the galaxy. The recent years of war and turmoil have led to a fractured, chaotic society, rife with warlords, crime empires, private corporations, and other vying powers trying to stake their claims on this new wild world. The Republic of Selen, following their triumph over the Helian Empire, struggle to maintain their hold over the Realms.

In these times, mercenary outfits have become more and more common, hired by all manner of powerful figures to undertake whatever tasks need be. Spacers are a common sight, wandering from place to place, doing whatever work needs done, no questions asked. Groups of these mercenaries have formed, freelance, unaffiliated unions with little ties between its members.

It is to the best known of these, the Spacers' Guild, that our protagonists seek to pledge to, in hopes of ekeing out a living among the stars…
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Gigi whistles as she explores the ship. "Dang. This is nice. Surprised they'd just loan this out to a bunch of spacers."

Frank splits off, heads straight to the bridge and pops his chassis open. Pulling out a water soluble epoxy, he places a dab on the bottom of each of the sofa's legs and unloads it in a corner. "Hey, Ash," he says. "Play something upbeat and dancy! Like, uh… techno…polka? Ash, play Technopolka!" Hopping up on the sofa, he squishes each leg down a little to help set the epoxy.


"Couple different things. Mainly the more action focused stuff they have."


Fir takes a bit of time to slip out of his armor, now that he's got a room to set it in more safely. He takes a seat on the bed, before getting up, pacing around awkwardly, and stepping back out of the room to find someone else.

"No real preferences- though, music with guitars is always nice." he says, settling back in.


Areia and Vandal were in one of the other bedrooms if he felt like taking a look.


"Put your show of choice on, I spend time on animation forums so I've seen a bit of everything."


Fir flicks his ears a bit as he paces around, before knocking on the door softly.


She threw on an old show about a wandering samurai trying to atone for his crimes.

She blinked at the knock and answered the door "Oh heya Fir, you wanna come in? Me and Vandal were just hanging out."


"Would be nice, yeah. Don't have much to do today."


"Neat, I'll go grab some snacks and then we can all settle in." Vandal says, hunting down some popcorn.


She nodded and stepped inside to wave him in "I was putting on some cartoons for me and Vandal but if you got anything you wanna add I'm game." she said much more chipper now that she had friends and fun abound.


Ash spontaneously manifests near Frank as he starts setting up the sofa. You notice that most of the walls and ceilings have tracks running across them, to which a small black projector is mounted. This allows Ash to move to any part of the ship unhindered.

"That's not allowed," Ash says politely but sternly. "This ship belongs to PanGal. Please move the sofa into the cargo hold." Your request is ignored as a consequence.

The ship smoothly takes off, blasting into outer space and traveling to the nearest Jump Point to make for Dylath-Leen's star system.

>Reminder: Interstellar travel is achieved through a twofold process; while conventional FTL flight is possible through the development of magitek engines, many distances are simply too vast to cover in a reasonable amount of time. Thus, magical portals are also used in transportation, colloquially known as Jump Points or Jumps. Jumps are present in the majority of populated star systems throughout the Realms, allowing for near instantaneous travel from one system to the other.

"Now traveling to Dylath Leen," Ash announces calmly. "Please make yourselves comfortable. We will have to make several Jump Points to reach our destination. Estimated travel time: two and a half days."

At the mention of music with guitars, Ash puts something on that might suit Fir's request as the ship flies through space.


The Jump is more or less what you'd expect, and nothing most of you haven't experienced before. It appears almost as a door frame in space, a vast, rectangular form pulsing and strobing with every conceivable colour. Many other spaceships can be seen entering and exiting the Jump, blinking in and out of existence. The shape gets larger and larger as you pilot towards it, and the ship is soon engulfed by color and rocketed forward.

This lasts for a good half a minute; when you are spat out on the other side, you find yourselves in another region of space, similar yet subtly different to where you just were. Ash continues on calmly, firing the ship into FTL travel as you surge on towards the next Jump.

After about five hours of uneventful travel, Ash speaks up again. "Anomaly detected ahead."

Luv perks up from playing a mobile game on her datapad. "What do you mean, anomaly?"

"An uncharted object is in our vicinity. It seems too large to be a ship. It would be marked on the charts, but it just… isn't."

Chekhooves frowns. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"Shall we attempt to make contact?" Ash asks you all.


"Do you think we wandered into another movie set?" she asked curiously.


"Why does this always happen…" Gale says, getting up from his seat and approaching the front of the ship. "Sure. Lets see what it has to say."


"Awe, but I even made sure to use the water soluble epoxy! I can remove it when we're done borrowing the ship. You sure there isn't anything I can do? Sign a waiver or something?"
[1d10]Persuasion on something that is probably programmed to enforce these specific rules

If there wasn't aything Frank could do, he solemnly removed the sofa and lugged it to the cargo hold.

He quietly sulks in the corner with Gigi, who leans back with her headphones on and her eyes closed. Noticing something actually happening, she cracks an eye and removes one of the muffs from the side of her head. "Something up?"

Roll #1 9 = 9


"Two in one week, that'd be neat." Vandal shrugs, "Why not, we're better equipped this time."


"Yeah alright, say hello, maybe it's friendly."


"Not too much- I've got cards, at least." he says, before shrugging. "Don't really watch many cartoons, but I don't mind."

Fir hums a little bit, and begins to get up and pull his gear on. "Can't hurt to be ready, just in case."


"Oh, something there." She taps Frank on the back. "Yo, Frank, look alive. We got company."

Frank sighs, slowly stands, turns around to face the front, hangs his head, and lets his body crash back to the floor again.


"Unlikely," says Ash. "We're in deep space."

"'Another'?" Luv asks nonplussed.



The ship starts moving towards the uncharted object. You start to see what the anomaly is through the cockpit; it's a small space station, just floating through the void untouched. It looks abandoned.

The monitor lights up as Ash transmits a wordless greeting message outwards. Nothing happens at first; then, you see some pinpoints of light start moving towards you from the station. You can't really tell what they are at first; then:

"Incoming missiles. Brace for evasive maneuvers."

Luv's eyes widen. "Incoming what?!"

"Missiles. Brace for evasive maneuvers." Ash talks about them as if she were discussing the weather. The ship suddenly jolts as Ash tries to avoid the enemy fire!

>roll to brace

[2d10] Luv, Chekhooves

Roll #1 2 + 3 = 5 / Roll #2 5, 8 = 13


Areia went bug eyed and hit the deck as she tried to brace.


Roll #1 10 = 10


"Oh you have to be fu-" Gale is cut off by the impact.

Brace [1d10]

Roll #1 1 = 1


Vandal jumps up and yowls, fur on end as she tries to right herself.

Roll #1 7 = 7


"Hrm. I don't like that." the elk says, trying to steady himself.

Roll #1 10 = 10


"Oh, shit. Seriously? Missiles?" Gigi plants her paws and tries to hang tight to her seat as the ship takes evasive action. Frank, on the other hand, just lays there. Looking around, he sighs, does some tinkering, and tries to put together something for someone else to help brace themselves instead, attaching a chain to two strong magnets like a handle that can, hopefully, be attached to a nearby surface to hold them steady. After, he tosses it to the nearest person who looks like they're struggling.

[1d10]Gadget insta-handle.

Roll #1 6 = 6 / Roll #2 5 = 5


"I am not."

Frank's invention works in theory, but most of the ship's interior is made of concrete and plastic, not metal. He fails to find a metal panel to attach the magnet to in time.

The ship does a double barrel roll, but it isn't enough. The whole vessel is rammed and sent spinning out of control through space as one of the missiles hits its left wing. Thankfully, it doesn't cause any severe damage, but it it is enough for Ash to lose control momentarily. Chekhooves, Areia, Vandal and Fir manage to brace themselves in time, avoiding any real injury. Gigi and Luv are knocked about, bumping their heads on the concrete wall, but aren't seriously injured. Gale, on the other hand, is sent flying, slamming into the opposite wall painfully, almost sticking to it like a cartoon character.
>Gale takes 4 hits

"Performing enemy analysis and self diagnostics," says Ash. "Requesting status report. Is anyone injured?" The station doesn't seem to be firing again yet.


"Yeah… you weren't." Gale creaks out as he struggles to get up. "Fuck." After successfully getting up, then realizing how much pain hes in, gale elects to stay laying on the floor where he was. "I'm good guys, don't worry about me. Oww."


Everybody in here seems to be good." Areia called back as she slowly grabbed her blade and shook her head "Think we should probably man the guns to stop any more of those."


"Well if it's abandoned, surely they've got a finite amount of missiles, right? Could we dodge all of them till there's an abandoned station to check out?"


Frank just pulls his gadget back into his body and dismantles it, letting himself get tossed about like a metal ragdoll.

Gigi squaks and tries to hang tight. When the ship settles, she rubs the back of her head and groans. "Fuck, man. Automated security systems? Or do you think it's manned?" She lifts a hand. "Yeah," she calls to Ash. "I'm good."


>Distill Life [1d10]
Fir frowns a little bit, checking on Gale, Gigi, and Luv. "Any serious injuries? I'll do what I can to patch everyone up."

"That is… a plan. Though, I'm not so sure about waiting it out, and it doesn't take too many missiles to take out a ship."

Roll #1 3 = 3


"Analysis complete. Ship diagnostics pending. There don't seem to be any signs of life. Missiles were possibly automated, or fired by an AI. …They don't seem to be attacking, despite us being in range. Possibly a warning shot."

"This is weird. Let's just get out of here, I say." Luv seems a bit disturbed by the whole thing.

"A suggestion. This ship is outfitted with cloaking devices for avoiding unwanted attention. If we are willing to risk exploring this station, we could slip by their defenses that way. Shall I activate it?"


"Hell yeah! Worst comes to worst we can scrap some shit on it for a profit!"


"Sure, we could even see about disabling those missiles once we're in there."


"Yeah, fuck it. I say we drop in and loot the place. Entirely possible it has some valuble shit. Hell, those missiles alone probably weren't cheap."


"Fuck yeah, that's what's up. At the very least there's probably shit folks didn't even think to strip."


"Smart idea, I think. If they can't see us, we probably won't have to worry about ducking missiles." the elk says, before thinking. "Unless the station's got good scanning systems and could see through cloaking tech." he finishes, more humming in thought than talking loudly.


"Would have been smart to use those beforehand, but sure."

"Thanks, hun."


"I'm not authorized to make the decision on my own. The crew have authority over the ship, and, above them, my manufacturers."

"Understood. Activating cloaking device. Scanning for entry routes. …Entry located. Stand by."

The ship jolts into motion, drawing closer and flying around to the back of the station. While you can't see or feel a change in the ship now that cloaking is activated, the missiles don't fire on you again, so it must be working.

Ash takes you to the back of the station, where an open docking bay is.

"Scanning. …Multiple AI signals detected within the docking bay. Most likely robots. Be prepared for possible hostiles once we're inside."

"Last chance to turn back I guess," Luv remarks. "…I really think we should get out of here and stay on mission. I'll just add this to the report and someone bigger than us can clean shop. We already took a hit from the missiles. I don't think we should risk it all."


Areia walked right by love as she beelined to the exit of the ship. If she had to do a space jump she was gonna do it. Loot and robocide were on the menu and she was gonna claim them.


"I mean, you're representing our employer though, so is that an official 'don't think we should risk it all' or a 'could be a bad idea'?"


"They do seem to be minding their business now after that little stunt. Maybe Luvs right. This could be not worth it."


"I can probably just cloak, go in, and pop an EMP. Take care of a bunch of the bots at onc-"

She deadpans. "Well, there goes that plan. Yo, Ash, you guys have any spare suits in here? Not super keen on opening a door, the hull being breached somewhere the safeties are down, and having my lungs explode."


"Hold up- it'd be a good idea to figure this out. More gear's nice, but it might be better to hang back and mull it over."


"Where are you going?" Ash asks, manifesting right next to you out of nowhere. "I haven't docked the ship yet. If you're planning on jumping through the airlock to the docking bay, that is extremely dangerous given the angle. There's a high risk you'll miss your landing and float off into space."

"…Will it change your mind if I say it's official? I mean not like there's any real rules in the Guild, remember."

"There are six spacer suits in the airlock, including different forms for different races.It would be unfortunate if your lungs were to explode."

"As you wish. Hanging back."

The ship comes to a half a good 20 feet from the docking bay, giving you time to really talk it over.

"I reckon we should just go in and try to take it one step at a time," says Chekhooves. "If it gets ugly, we bail. Can keep the engines running in case we need to take off in a hurry. This is probably a bad idea overall, but we're here now, so we might as well."

"Well," says Luv, "you know where I stand on all this. What about you?"

"I'm not entitled to an opinion," Ash remarks matter-of-factly.




"I mean yeah like, we're not assholes. If you think this is a really bad call, we could call it off. We don't even own a ship proper yet so, just trying to make a few more credits is all." Vandal responds to Luv shrugging, leaning against a wall.


"No comms and automated missle fire suggests this things been abandoned. Only have to wonder why."


"Hrm… I'm not so sure about it, but if the crew's going, I'll be going."


"If you guys want I can cloak, pop in, and scout it out a little. Frank can pop one of his optical sensors out and fiddle with it too. Makes sort of a flying camera." She knits her brow and looks down at the sulking bot. "If I can pull him out of this little funk long enough to actually do it."

Frank hasn't moved since the hit from the missile and still lies slumped over, face down on the floor.


"I am very much down to raid this place for a payday, If shit goes south we bail, but otherwise there's no point in not giving it a proper try."

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