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File: 1355288219583.png (9.14 KB, 500x300, AHT.png)


Doesn't matter if you're new or experienced, post here if you want critique of your work.


File: 1355288437310.png (75.46 KB, 512x512, New Canvas.png)

First time using a drawing program. Still learning, any help is appreciated.


She needs a second wing, and some work on the hind legs.

The brush you are using looks odd,with vertical lines going through your lines.


You have the form down, but you should work on your fundamentals. It looks like you very closely referenced some vectors. Go to fyre-flye's deviantart page and examine how she does her cartoony lines. Try to emulate those loose, long, but controlled curves to inject energy, emotion, and "marshmallowiness" into your ponies.


File: 1358637986957.jpg (79.77 KB, 500x500, Soldier.jpg)

How is this? I just noticed that I am not good a coloring..


You're obsessed with "detail" and "fidelity" over stylization. May as well not be a pony.


I have no idea how to vector


Use Google to find a guide.


File: 1359158635125.png (23.54 KB, 832x256, basicUniAttempt.png)

help me to make a good pony please


File: 1361448182030.png (171.55 KB, 1000x1000, New Canvas.png)

I have no idea what I'm doing.


>tfw you're artwork is so shitty you don't even qualify for bad critique.


File: 1364666704435.png (6 KB, 252x267, Exeosqueleton, very hard. ….png)



just post it. I will give you a comment.


I just did, anon.


I don't know where to start. Never did anything drawing wise, so it all seems too overbearing.


Find a book about perspective. Like "Perspective made easy" for instance.


File: 1373065400562.jpg (61.63 KB, 1000x1059, 1364666704435.jpg)

First off, don't draw in low resolution, it makes your brush strokes look weird and cramps the amount of area you can draw in. Start a new image in your native resolution at the very least.
You're sorely lacking in perspective. Try looking up one and two point perspective or follow the resource below.

Also I just realized this post is 3 months old, fuck me.

Also look at the sticky on this board.


File: 1373079682248.png (143.48 KB, 1000x1000, ponders.png)

whats a good way to practice expessions? any tips? other artists I should look to?


Start watching an episode, stop it when you see an expression you like. Draw the face.


3 months old, and I still saw your wonderful critique, (I got better)




>anonymous thread
>not on first page
let's fix dis shit


Sad to say that nobody uses it.


File: 1389198797852.jpg (64.7 KB, 522x381, IMG_0001 (2).jpg)

I suck at drawing, I don't want to put forth a whole lot of effort and I fucking hated the Loomis books I read

What do

here's a perspective exercise I did the other day

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