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/art/ - Art


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File: 1371423740552.png (668.67 KB, 800x800, LDcolor.png)


Mostly pony with sometimes other stuff.


File: 1371423884438.jpg (300.14 KB, 1000x1212, FlRef.jpg)


File: 1371423896053.png (944.33 KB, 2000x2000, BlossomforthSFWVersion.png)

Dump commencing


File: 1371423916785.jpg (265.64 KB, 1500x803, GaleTornadoSmall.jpg)


File: 1371423928508.png (250.63 KB, 813x664, Cakebutt20%moreass.png)


File: 1371423939519.png (131.76 KB, 500x600, PanaceaColor.png)


File: 1371423950503.jpg (225.94 KB, 1200x1200, rarityinfinite.jpg)


File: 1371423962387.png (931.48 KB, 1513x1685, whatispainting.png)


File: 1371423973513.png (187.88 KB, 800x800, Harshy.png)


File: 1371423984672.png (302.19 KB, 1000x900, FLaloosml.png)


File: 1371423995867.png (513.29 KB, 1000x1000, thing.png)


File: 1371424006914.png (414.68 KB, 1000x1200, CyberponeRedux.png)


File: 1371424020359.png (228.7 KB, 800x800, My Little Irken - Invasion….png)


File: 1371424031401.png (213.65 KB, 750x800, DemonDash.png)


And now: hardcore nudity!






Okay that's enough I think.


This one

So much

Oh god


A lot of people like that one.

I actually have a commission I need to do which is in a similar vein, but it's AJ. So. Expect that in the future.


You got a serious case of the fuckin' mantis hooves m8


File: 1371436311125.png (541.64 KB, 1500x1200, ScootaBelleDansu.png)

Hooves seem to be hit or miss with me. Sometimes I can get 'em right and sometimes I can't.

But yeah, it's really bad in >>3761 (which is what I assume you're referring to)


File: 1371504457292.png (128.92 KB, 700x700, 175.png)

*Get Item Fanfare*


File: 1371627277155.jpg (225.71 KB, 2000x1400, SeriousCommishInkWIP.jpg)

WIP of a commission


File: 1371627305303.jpg (161.75 KB, 956x1280, pinkiebuttInk.jpg)

And an ink of a sketch posted by Terra on tumblr. Probably gonna re-do this, lines are way too thick.


File: 1371627347148.jpg (355.37 KB, 956x1280, pinkiebutt.jpg)

(Aforementioned Sketch)


File: 1371704949172.png (258.74 KB, 1500x1050, SeriousCommishSML.png)

Aaand finished.


File: 1374177538321.png (605.66 KB, 1500x1159, stavecommishsmall.png)

Commish. Nightmare Twilight + Nightmare Cadance


File: 1374177556167.png (316.93 KB, 1200x927, VinylEXAMPLE.png)

Bronycon Print.


File: 1374635074823.png (293.32 KB, 1000x1294, NMMSAMPLE.png)

Nightmare Moon/Luna Bronycon Print


File: 1374635091747.jpg (143.22 KB, 1000x772, scootaloo.jpg)

Scootaloo Bronycon Print

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