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File: 1371083977851.png (132.63 KB, 600x890, 1361270090620.png)


I have this idea that maybe some of you might like

I see people doing art trades, but after they're done, they usually stay away from each other till the next time they do an art trade

I heard someone ,I can't remember who, say that they would pair up with someone else for a few days to see it they improve over that time

What if we did that?
Pair up a few people, give them a set amount of time together, then pair them up with someone else. Over time we start to add more people to those groups until, in the end, it becomes one big group of art improvement

I already know of the MLPG art improvement skype chat, but because of other people, it's in a negative light. And I already know of the second one, which not a lot of people know about apparently. But I noticed that both of these lean more into critique, teaching, and suggesting other art methods, but never about active improvement. And that irks me a little.

But think about this, giving a short time limit to see what improvement you made, switch partners, add more partners, then in the end we all see the improvement you made.

It sounds like a good idea right? Of course, I'm open to any ideas you guys want to add or change.


It's an interesting idea. Sounds like it's worth a shot if enough people participate. I think the commitment of time might be an issue for some people, which could lead to some people being left hanging by their partner. The results would be neat to see, kind of a time-compressed version of those art improvement charts that people make.

I would like to participate, but I'm _very_ beginner level and I don't really think I have the chops to be worthy of a partner (still getting used to using a tablet, working on fundamentals, etc.)


>I think the commitment of time might be an issue for some people
It's not really a commitment to time, its just to see what you can do in that time, see what you know then work from there


Fair enough. I was just kind of thinking out loud there, to be honest.


well it's good talk aloud sometimes
bounce a few ideas around, spitshine it here and there, and it becomes a better idea


Hey! I'm very beginner level too!
I just got a sketchbook a couple weeks ago and have been aimlessly drawing
We could totally be buddies and be awful noobs together!


Heh, well I'm game if this project goes forward. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread for sure.


aw you see, I knew this would be a good idea to at least some of you
also I'm pretty beginner level myself, and would still like to learn more


I volunteer to be paired up with New Canvas Anon


Now that I think about, there has to be a way to organize this


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I made thing

if you guys still think this is a good idea, then check it out


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>if you are not or haven't been a part of mlpg i am sorry but you cannot participate


well technically, just posting here counts as being part of MLPG
same thing goes for the rest of the site, or MLPG
you don't have to be a contributor to join
any anon can join


you guys can join now


gonna start with some warm ups



Well that was fun
New prompt will be out tomorrow
You guys can still join


I dont really understand how this works, what do the 2 partners do for each other? also can people join late, and if one joins do they have to do all of these assignment things?


>I dont really understand how this works, what do the 2 partners do for each other?
For every prompt, the partners will pick what they will draw, bounce ideas for what they will draw, and and work together

>also can people join late, and if one joins do they have to do all of these assignment things?

You can join and leave anytime you want, and no they don't need to the previous prompts.
If there are any extra people that joined during a prompt, then they do some small exercises together



You guys can still join, If you still want

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