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File: 1370153001277.png (260.06 KB, 1280x1280, worried.png)


Thought I'd make a thread here since I'm planning to get better at drawing this Summer during the hiatus hopefully.

To start here's a stallion made closely following Brae's tutorials and guides, particularly his video walkthrough.

Admittedly it looks a little too similar in some ways as I kinda replicated him a bit, but also tried to retain as much knowledge as I could about building a good base with accurate perspective and proportions to work from seeing how that's always been my trouble area.

I've done a few other versions but I'll just post this one for now. I also tried challenging myself a bit by taking some requests too on MLPG the other day. It's been a busy weekend for me so I haven't been able to start just yet, but I'm hoping I can get to it soon~


Al pls post more of your arts.


File: 1370327987586.png (138.92 KB, 833x833, post_haste.png)

here's what I have so far on one of the requests.
they just asked for post hast, I drew a bust of him for now. maybe add the rest of the body if it turns out well. I was also thinking of adding a pneumatic tube off to the left to give him something to be looking at.


File: 1370589366374.png (222.61 KB, 1500x1500, an_attempt_was_made.png)

update, added a body.
also changed the smile back to a "regular" one.

also changed the colors


File: 1371529669089.png (162.41 KB, 951x910, butt_wip.png)

I said I'd draw a Rarity on MLPG and so I'm getting around to it now.
My sister's friend is visiting though so I'm not getting much privacy to draw among other things.


File: 1371710745981.png (250.26 KB, 1000x1000, rarara_wip.png)

was able to sketch a tiny bit more tonight.
onto the tail and cutie mark tomorrow, then inking.


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final sketch
put down some color for fun before getting to the inking


File: 1372354889347.png (136.77 KB, 1000x697, rarara_ink.png)



File: 1372366460531.png (267.97 KB, 1500x1000, rarara_flats.png)



Did you ever finish that 3d coke pony? pls come back

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