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File (hide): 1367186129565.png (17.2 KB, 310x356, ponyoutline.png)


 No.2466[Watch Thread]

Draw event 2 is underway!
Feel free to submit drawings here if you don't have a tumblr account




File (hide): 1367207838278.png (159.41 KB, 1000x1000, battlezone_pony.png)


File (hide): 1367211282581.png (472.99 KB, 1000x1700, PonyFort.png)

Here's my submission.


File (hide): 1367214695489.png (3.19 MB, 2700x1200, DiabloIIPonyR.png)


File (hide): 1367267403390.png (152.21 KB, 1253x565, 1367267042704.png)

For later use


File (hide): 1367300861634.png (175.14 KB, 1000x1000, Cutie Mark Cave Explorers!.png)


File (hide): 1367304488418.png (520.37 KB, 1250x1000, CMCHeroes.png)

CMC challenge


File (hide): 1367385077544.png (46.61 KB, 1100x900, glitterpink.png)

Art Style Challenge: Operation Glitter Glue



art style one. pretty tedious!


File (hide): 1367386162277.png (70.66 KB, 607x381, askid.png)

AHAHA WAS THIS A COINCIDENCE OR WHAT? Maybe I should do it again with an actual effort


File (hide): 1367394632698.png (309.21 KB, 1000x1000, ponk.png)

ended up being late but here's a cosmo pinkie for day 3


File (hide): 1367398865819.png (455.8 KB, 2000x865, niggas.png)

Now with EFFORT. Well almost.


File (hide): 1367427569281.png (290.89 KB, 1000x700, Ruinous.png)

All the cool kids go Anon.
Day 4 (?) prompt. Scenery.
I wanna see caves and dungeons and stuff.


File (hide): 1367475537966.png (2.77 MB, 2250x1640, a162e.png)


File (hide): 1367517004669.png (289.21 KB, 1000x700, ACTION.png)

Action-y sketches.


File (hide): 1367553447633.png (414.65 KB, 1400x800, Appletini.png)



File (hide): 1367569616714.png (122.14 KB, 1000x1000, bravo3.png)


File (hide): 1367607090920.png (104.75 KB, 700x700, Horses.png)

Day 6!
I know they were just horses, but I'd like to have seen more of the Saddle Arabians.


File (hide): 1367636163656.png (427.98 KB, 1000x800, Compliments to the Chef.png)

Draw prompt 6.



Damn, looks great!

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