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/v/ - Vidya Games

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File: 1402289514727.png (531.3 KB, 3551x2823, friendship is magicka.png)


Magicka: Wizard Wars is now in open beta

It's free, it's fun, it's fast-paced and it's fairly easy to pick up, even if you never played the original Magicka

Check it out

Fair warning: it's not technically pay2win because every item that buffs you has an "equally balanced" downside, but it is extremely grindy if you want the nicer stuff


At least it kind of makes sense and isn't just a RTS reskin.

The original game was so poorly optimized, were they able to put more work into the engine for this one? It's a PvP game, so there's more impetus for scalability.


File: 1402375891331.jpg (36.57 KB, 700x242, assfaggots.jpg)

Occasionally you'll graze someone with a rock and you'll see the damage on your side but they don't actually get hit, and from time to time you get a really laggy match but I haven't noticed anything too glaring on the netcode front

Reducing the slots per spell from 5 to 3 has done a ton for bringing together on the balance front.

And yes, it's a >MOBA
I like to think it's not full-ASSFAGGOTS tier because it's not really a fortress assault and games are fast enough that getting matched with someone afk doesn't totally ruin your day

Plus, basically no one uses in-game chat so you don't get a bunch of toxic douchebags

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