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/v/ - Vidya Games

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File: 1341280330645.png (132.7 KB, 1440x900, we're gonna need more rope.png)


List is as follows:

1. Twilight
2. Dash
3. Fluttershy
4. Pinkie
5. Rarity
6. Applejack
7. Big Mac
8. Princess Celestia
9. Princess Luna
10. Spike
11. Chrysalis
12. Cadance
13. Shining Armor
14. Trixie
15. Gilda
16. Fancy Pants
17. Flim
18. Flam
19. Discord
20. Trixie
21. Derpy
22. Applebloom
23. Sweetie
24. Scoots
25. Braeburn

All with show names, of course. Written like it is for ease.

Suggestions, criticisms, images for each character, etc. all welcome


I would replace fancy pants with Lyra
I thought we all wanted Lyra.



If I do that, I'm replacing Derpy with Bonbon


>replacing Derpy with BonBon
But why?
BonBon sucks


Why not replace Shining Armor?
No one likes him
And I don't want dialogue consisting only of "Twily"



Having Lyra without Bon Bon just feels wrong



Alright yeah, replacing Silver Surfer then


Also still no Hoity
Come on guys



Shining Armor is now Bon Bon, Fancy Pants is now Lyra.

Who should be Hoity?


Why are we replacing people?
I thought that there were 30 slots?


Maybe Flim or Flam.
They could get confusing during dialogue.


>no Fancypants
This sucks


We should keep them for that very reason.
Make the games a bit more fun.
>replacing Fancy Pants
>with fucking LYRA
Just no.



I was wrong, it's 25


Okay, good idea.

Flim and Flam gone, Lyra and Bon Bon acquired.


But fancy pants is horrible.


Look guys I love Lyra and Bon bon but replacing minor characters with bg ponies is kinda wrong


But Lyra had spoken lines.
And she is very pretty


Alright, alright, >>1091

Are right, Lyra and Bon Bon are background characters. They're staying out for now.


And honestly, Flim and Flam aren't that hard to distinguish between when their names are written right next to what they're saying.
We don't have any trouble distinguishing between Rainbow Shine and Rainbow Dash.
Spoken lines =/= a character make.
Colgate also had lines too y'know.
Hell, Caramel has a canon name and he's never said a word.


I know man
She's my favorite bg character

But I'd rather have Trixie or Gilda then her because they were important. And I hate those two characters
Especially Gilda


>no Zecora
Nigga what are you doing.


I'm thinking of replacing Derpy with Zecora.


How about females only?
Or ponies only?
Or Ponyville only?
FiM has ton of minor characters


Actually ponyville only might be a good idea
Really limit down and provide a better theme.
You know…
In case we want to roleplay…


I say drop Discord and Chrysalis.
No major antagonists.


Guys why is Trixie twice on the list?


Replace with Lyra or Zecora
I still think FLim and Flam is a bad idea
I'd rather have Granny or Mayor


Seconding this
Bring Zecora mayor and Granny

Granny should always be godfather


But we hate Rainbow Shine.
One of the reasons is the similar name


File: 1341281931201.jpg (142.36 KB, 1024x768, a heterosexual male in his….jpg)

>Down for mainteneance


>in charge of working



1. Twilight
2. Dash
3. Fluttershy
4. Pinkie
5. Rarity
6. Applejack
7. Big Mac
8. Princess Celestia
9. Princess Luna
10. Spike
11. Chrysalis
12. Cadance
13. Shining Armor
14. Trixie
15. Gilda
16. Fancy Pants
17. Mayor
18. Granny
19. Discord
20. Zecora
21. Derpy
22. Applebloom
23. Sweetie
24. Scoots
25. Braeburn

Discord and Chrysalis are on the chopping block now. Lyra and Bon Bon aren't going in.


Replace Chrysalis with Iron Will?


File: 1341282106024.png (474.13 KB, 3000x1889, PEGASI.png)

List needs more Pegasi




Replace Shining Armor with Diamon Tiara or something.
Literally anything.


Drop Gilda and Chrysalis, add Flitter and Cloudchaser.


>tfw you're the only one who doesn't care or like the twins


Fuck no.
Gilda's staying and Chrysalis is most likely going, but we decided we're not adding in shit like that.
I honestly could care less for them too bro.
Hell, all the 'Rumble and the twins' stuff just annoys me.


But they have such nice and purple designs



I rreeaaally don't want to drop important characters for Cloudchaser and Flitter.


These are fine.

Drop Chrysalis and Shining Armor for Iron Will and Diamond Tiara Y/N


Same here
Also I'm glad Rumbleloo has finally started to die


Drop Chrysalis and Discord for Iron Will and DT.



Also Discord for Cherilee


If we're gonna drop SA we gotta drop Candyass as well.



Discord > Iron Will
Chrysalis > Diamond Tiara
Shining Armor > Cheerilee.

Anything else?



No, we don't


except they're not ponies, and Flitter and Cloudchaser are named side characters.


What have they done of enough note to warrant including them though?



1. Twilight
2. Dash
3. Fluttershy
4. Pinkie
5. Rarity
6. Applejack
7. Big Mac
8. Princess Celestia
9. Princess Luna
10. Spike
11. Iron Will
12. Cadance
13. Diamond Tiara
14. Trixie
15. Gilda
16. Fancy Pants
17. Mayor
18. Granny
19. Cheerilee
20. Zecora
21. Derpy
22. Applebloom
23. Sweetie
24. Scoots
25. Braeburn


Can we replace Candyass with Hoity?

Just asking


I agree.



I disagree
If anything choose between Fancy Pant or Toity


Alright, start posting character pictures for everyone in >>1131

Substitute Costanza with Hoity, though.


File: 1341283409545.png (76.68 KB, 500x417, bellebutt.png)

Sweetie picture



How about this one?


DD plz go


>game full
Oh god dammit.
Next game 9?


I think we can just use the pictures uploaded here,
They're decent enough quality.


File: 1341284592741.png (246.68 KB, 1280x1482, flutterdance.png)

Wasn't me, man… I wouldn't suggest porn for a deck photo. I'd have put this one.


File: 1343351573027.jpg (761.93 KB, 1665x1375, mafia.jpg)

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