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 No.851615[View All]

Psst, hey. I know who you are. Hail pony.
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They can
I was just saying that because of that webm where a tiger does not appreciate being tricked into thinking a berry is meat

Canines sometimes also graze on grass to help their digestion


Really? I only see dogs do that when they have upset stomachs and need to vomit it out.


Dang, alpha predators can't even handle a little fruit
Oh so that's why they eat grass


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Happy Birthday motherfucker. Only one year left until you're an adult, kid.
Heh, that is pretty good. There more like it?


I thought 20 was adult enough


Not that I've got, sorry.


I just said, they can most fruits and vegetables, but it just doesn't do much for them, just like how we can't break down the cells of leaves but herbivores can.

Well yes, that's helping with digestion, isn't it?


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Almost only counts in Horseshoes and hand grenades, kiddo. You've got another year to go before the kid jokes die down.


Goshdarnit I won't be able to stand another year of bullying
Also cool pic


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It's actually way past my sleeping hours
Good night guise


Night, durr. Enjoy being older.


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How are things, BDN?


>tfw Americans are too pure for a lewdquest


>implying wf isn't american


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Only him though


Eh' they aren't that interesting to me anymore


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I'm just uncomfortable with participating, honestly. I blame my upbringing and general repression.


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Then it's perfect for you!

How unfortunate
I thought I wouldn't like it much either


Nah, knowing what you want is important, particularly when it comes to lewd matters.
just don't see it as something you need to fix or something


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I know, I know.

Any directions you feel like for mons? Once Maali stops dying in the jungle I'm going to pull people together


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>Crimson Court release date finally announced
>Still 3.5 weeks away



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Probably do some more ranger things, maybe take on that cold weather training so I can take jobs up north.


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>Finished my placements

Wew! Welfare boxes pls!


…you mean competitive OW placements?
Why bother doing it at the end?


So I can get my welfare golds. Just playing my ten games is the same as winning 80 times in terms of points.

Honestly if I played Competitive all season I bet I could hit diamond, but I really just want my welfare points.


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The only thing you get with that is golden weapons
just why


That's like saying "But the only thing you get out of boxes is cosmetics"

Uh, yeah, that's why I'm doing it


I just don't get why you'd want to go through the pain of comp matches that you aren't interested in playing during the season, to have maybe a few points toward a golden gun, that supposedly proves you care about competitive…

I'm going to be in confusion


I want the gold weapons because they look great, not because they 'prove' anything

I'm definitely not wearing the Dva cop skin to prove I'm a sick MLG "played 30 games in HOTS with friends" guy


>a few points


Thought you were talking about levels for boxes
Golds are ugly desu

Arctic rangers have to do some unconventional training the further north they go. Sometimes, you sense things that shouldn't be, and it takes quite a bit to not lose it right there.


Man with no taste


The gold weapons are not mere cosmetics, they are shiny prizes for suffering seasons of comp play.

A promotional skin that everyone has is not at all comparable and you know it.
yea, unless you're saying you just get a free one for participation or someshit


Just being ranked in platinum awards 800 of the 3000 points toward a gold weapon. That's how I got my first one, too.


>Andy trying to tell me why I want a skin

Smh desu famalam I think I know my reasons a little better than you, on account of sharing a room with myself


That's why Amber wants to do it and become stronger.
800 is not even 1/3 of the way to 3000 idiot
you have to actually play to get that many.

Its not a skin!
And its like saying you want to go to one baseball match so you qualify for a participation metal, that you want to wear for style.


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I got my first gold this way, I don't know why you're calling me an idiot. Not participating at all is 0 points, which is a lot less than 800.

Sounds like you're fox and graping.

>Not a skin

It's literally a skin Andy, it's a change to the texture on the weapon model. Like, not metaphorically, it is actually factually a skin.


To be fair, some of the gold weapons are pretty stylish.


Go around wearing golden weapons that mean absolutely nothing because you're not even a comp player.


We need a new thread free of blizzard games plz


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Take that grump attitude elsewhere

Don't know why you're so upset about me hunting after a skin I want


Because golden weapons are supposed to mean something
And getting them with this low effort wait-4-seasons-welfare-gold is really fucking pissing me off


Why do you care so much about what golden weapons are ""supposed"" to mean? You don't even play competitive anymore, do you?


I thought you could understand, the awe and magic of seeing a team with all golden guns and knowing you're up for a challenge. Just imagine how you'd feel if you knew they were just doing the same trick you described?
I'd feel pretty let down man

But whatever, guess I don't actually care what you do
have fun


You get the same amount of points for a win at any level, so even a bronze player can grind out golden weapons with enough persistence.

And you don't even have to buy a golden weapon for a class you play in comp. Both me and nopo have golden weapons for classes we don't touch in competitive.


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