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 No.846401[View All]

In which we go to beb
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I dunno
Maybe you can solve them in ways besides what your skill points say
Pumpkin solves things in ways besides killing so there is that


>other than brute forcing them through the one thing I'm good at.
You seem to be happy to solve everything with mind powers with Mona!


Yes, but you're taking our microcosm and trying to find a system that fits it. In my experience, there isn't one because most people don't play games like that. If you really want an answer, go ask /tg/.


I feel like there are just 3 things I'd want.
1. a combat system which lets you deal with enemies in many different ways
2. a crafting system which lets you McGyver your way out of anything
3. encounters which are thought, from the ground up, to be solved in many different ways.
Making a toolbox was turning too much into making a character.
I know, Pumpkin is still fun to play don't worry. I like investigating stuff and then cobbling together solutions, it's something you can do in a system as meaty as PF. NLer respects points 2 and 3 of my first reply after all.
That's because I can do literally nothing else reliably.


Sounds like you want to just play freeform and make your own solutions. Which is cool, when it works.

I thought it was cool when Alex got the first key by covering up the grate with his clothes, which wasn't one of the three intended solutions


I'd like to play a mechanically crunchy freeform, if that makes sense.


Only slightly. Crunchiness comes from defining your boundaries. Usually that's done with stats defining what you're good at and what you suck at.

But it sounds like you want to be able to be good at potentially anything, depending on what the situation calls for.


Yeah pretty much. Plenty stat points, ability to skill into almost anything, a solid system which doesn't break and lose all challenge when this happens. And a setting to use all of this in.


Gotta step out of the house again.

How are you with Science Fantasy?


If only there was a freeform setting where you could play a character that's almost more of a tool than an actual hero. You know, the kind that could be reconfigured with magic jewelry to be useful in different situations.

Maybe you'd even get thrown into a situation without getting to pick what you've been assigned and you have to cobble together a solution with 'echolocation', 'toad form', and 'hold portal'.


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Any setting with augs could fit that bill.
I never read anything really cheesy at the John Carpenter of Mars level, but Biomega was pretty damn great.


You'd have to play someone who is fiercely loyal to their master, but surprisingly cunning and self-educating, someone who spends all their time self improving with books from the library because they are so slavish to their duty. By the same token it would have to be the kind of setting where you have a master sadistic enough to send you into a situation with those kinds of odd combinations of magic abilities.

Preferably, there it would run in a sort of Discord like program, too.


Sorry, still not really feeling it. I will consider it though.


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No need to apologize. Besides, if you hadn't wanted to leave I never would've had that fun brainstorming session with Fidget. So you know, all things happen for a reason - I like seeing the silver linings.


I want to try out Starfinder when it comes out, and this sounds like a class you might like.



I will keep that in mind, thanks.


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There are a few other classes you might like, such as Solarion or Technomancer


yes this is me

I thought about your post during this time.
I think the problem lies in clear communication to the DM, to make the checks more reasonable for a solocharacter.
Giving them a toolkit of ultities, or a lot of spell uses and variety, like giving extra spell slots for a mage.

I have to do some adjusting in NLer or certain monsters would simply be unhittable due to the AC being made for flanking and debuffing them less lately thou


I once again require your shitposting expertise.

This is a fork of vichan that I have been getting a lot of help with. Pretty much all the major things have been done by someone else. I wanted to get one more big fix in before upgrading this place. Hopefully the backlinking in "View last 50" is working proper.


Hey, so how's that archive update coming along?


Oh hell I knew I forgot something.


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Heh, no rush.
Well, maybe. Other people probably might want to look back through them for our games.


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>mousewheel 7+ year old G400 finally died

If no trainers are here I'll pop out to get a replacement


Busy tonight, no chance


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Look at this fucking faggot
I'm glad he died when his home was destroyed




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Anyone up for coop?


can't humble the bumble
You know who's cuter?
Asking honestly.




>HotS week 3 started
Fuckin finally


>already got it with Swatz
Step it up senpai


what's it this time, more matches against real people? Do we have to win this time?


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Posting this for Groves when he wakes up, please review this image and tell me what you think.

Weeks 3-4 are same as 2


Very Sweaty


Good, so we don't have to win (though that's preferable).
It'll have to wait on my end, though.


I'm going to need to confiscate that pic for inspection


What do you mean by SC2 coop? It's not the usual game mode is it?


You're correct. Coop missions are special missions where you and a partner each choose a commander with a special set of units and usually some set of gimmick bonuses. Together you tackle objectives ranging from escort to king of the hill to survival.

I played some with Neeps, it was a lot of fun! you can play it with the free starter edition


You may save one (1) copy


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Thanks to all that participated in the testing via shitpost. To everyone else, you guys are cool too.


It got annoying after a bit because of flood detection but I did what I could


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glad to help, even if it was mostly through thread-spamming.



Sorry about that, it seems to happen when many are posting an image at the same time and having no text or similar text in the comment field. That is how it should be working, but I should have made it more lax. Didn't even think about it.

Best way to route out bugs!

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