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People seem to have different views on what MLPG is and how to fix it, so let's have a thread on that idea. To get the ball going, answer these questions:

What is MLPG?
What should it be?
Why does it need to be changed?
How should it be done?


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>I have no idea, just came here for the first time eleven minutes ago



How new is it, anyway? Seems pretty damn slow. Like, I can take a masturbation break and not miss anything slow.


It should have been about ponies but newfags and /b/tards practically shitpost or turn it into /b/. Any respond in calling them out would just make the general worse. They don't really care for the ponies or the quality of the thread at all.


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I wrote this is an ironic and passive aggressive attempt to let people know how they sound when being vocal about things they don't like. Saw it reposted a few times, so I'm posting it here to show that it was I who made it:

You want to know what I hate? I hate things that I hate. Not only that, I'm going to be vocal about what I think about the things I hate because other people need to hear why those things are garbage. I also hate the people who like the things I hate, but I especially hate the people who make the things I hate. I like it when bad things happen to those who make things I hate because they deserve it. No, they deserve worse. There is no place on this planet for those people, for they are the creators of garbage. Even if they stop making the things I hate, or even make something I like, they are forever tainted and will never be worthy. Since the people who like what I hate are morons that have a taste for garbage, they too are tainted and cannot enjoy the things I like. If they tell me to be quiet, I will only pronounce my hate more until they understand how full of garbage they are. I revel in this hatred because everything has to be what I want it to be, and I know what's best for everybody.



fuck i hate 4chan


Moot the and the janitors on 4chan are what I hate they don't do there job at all and go out of there way to trash boards sometimes

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