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File: 1518244582288.png (108.88 KB, 323x381, That first look.png)


[02/10/2018 05:00PM]
[02/17/2018 05:00PM]
[02/24/2018 05:00PM]
[03/03/2018 05:00PM]
[03/10/2018 05:00PM]
[03/17/2018 05:00PM]
[03/24/2018 05:00PM]
[03/31/2018 05:00PM]
[04/07/2018 05:00PM]
[04/14/2018 05:00PM]
[04/21/2018 05:00PM]
[04/28/2018 05:00PM]
[05/05/2018 05:00PM]
[05/12/2018 05:00PM]
[05/19/2018 05:00PM]

2018- Mike's year? Well, the show goes on into its sixth season! The penultimate Comedy Central one, even!

Feb. 10th- 520: Radar Secret Service (ft. Last Clear Chance)
Feb. 17th- 521: Santa Claus
Feb. 24th- 522: Teen-Age Crime Wave
Mar. 3rd- 523: Village of the Giants
Mar. 10th- 524: 12 to the Moon (ft. Design for Dreaming)
Mar. 17th- 601: Girl's Town
Mar. 24th- 602: Invasion U.S.A. (ft. A Date with Your Family)
Mar. 31st- 603: The Dead Talk Back (ft. The Selling Wizard)
Apr. 7th- 604: Zombie Nightmare
Apr. 14th- 605: Colossus and the Headhunters
Apr. 21st- 606: The Creeping Terror
Apr. 28th- 607: Bloodlust! (ft. Uncle Jim's Dairy Farm)
May 5th- 608: Code Name: Diamond Head (ft. A Day at the Fair)
May 12th- 609: The Sky Divers (ft. Why Study Industrial Arts?)
May 19th- 610: The Violent Years (ft. Young Man's Fancy)


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