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We need to busy ourselves in the long wait for Season 5, and that means making some OC. Contributions from namefags and anonymous alike. Self improvement.
Those projects Spongebob asks about
even >fanfiction
Maybe even fetishes

All the things you plan or planned to do, hash them out here and get to work!


I'm hoping to practice some art and stories.
Maybe I'll even be decent by the time S5 rolls around.


>hashing out a quest
>where others can see it

B-but I want the audience to be surprised…!


Well I don't really plan out fetish greentext, but I suppose I'll be doing a fair share of it while we wait for new horsisodes.


Take up a name so we can track your progress.

Well, at least tell us the concept.

Is there like a standard list of fetishes for you to lure anons into or do you just go with the flow?


I have a stock of standard lures, but I only dip into them when the general is sufficiently uninteresting or I'm in the mood for something specific personally. Otherwise I sort of see where things are going and gently guide them to lewd.


i got space pank, spelunker pone, and fillyshy quests



art improvement is a must for me



Well, the one I've been working on the longest involves the Knight and Fawn, and includes a lot of fairy tale type elements.

I also have another one with a pony OC that involves airships and is shaping up to be more of a straight adventure story.


why not both?


I've been working on both - I just want to do the Knight/Fawn one first; I guess because the characters are more familiar, and I don't want to define the PC for the other one too much, so the audience can have a little bit of a hand in it too.


Hoping to run a quest this summer, still brainstorming on it though.
It would probably just be something short and cute.


no, I meant combine them both



Too great a difference in tone.


I want to do a quest during the hiatus, and I have a few ideas, but whether or not it happens is still completely up in the air. If it did happen, it would be much, much shorter than CQ.


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I've been doing a lot of nothing, and i want to be doing everything
>BraeburnQuest Redux
>Ah My Celestia
>Twist 'n' the Girls
>Storm Princess

>mfw all these projects


M-maybe A.J. will resume his Luna Quest

Don't give me false hope


my lord, thou hath returned?


thought about doing another fanfiction event, but i realized how much a waste of time that would be.


We still have some writers.


And… uh…


For the hiatus I kicked off a new ask blog starring an OC I made. Her name is Marina Fae and her special talent lies in transformation magic. I intend to work on this a lot going forth.




I never really left


>tfw banned

I think I would prefer futashy if her dick was about half as big as it's usually drawn

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