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 No.13487[View All]

The time has come for you to pick out a place to establish your hideout.

Patches can offer some further thoughts on the issue before you get going, and you can ask Aloysius for anything if you feel ill prepared.
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"How noble of you.
So, given any thought to our next goal?"


"Well… have you heard of Sir Ragamont?"


"Who hasn't? The man was famous to a degree for the stuff he pulled.
There were an equal amount of people happy and sad to see him get caught."


"Well… how crazy would it be to break him out?"


"About as crazy as it gets.
Ragamont is the sort of guy they build special prisons for, and breaking in there won't be easy. Breaking out, even harder."


"That means lots of fame, doesn't it? I wonder if we could lure all the prison guards away, maybe… by faking a prison break at another part. Plant some explosives at some wall where they keep someone they think might be high priority."


"Or call up a sea monster to attack the walls while you're at it. Dead Man Headland is the kind of place you read about in story books - it's a narrow rocky outcrop leading to an island that gets submerged with the tide. The prison itself is mostly underground. Which means underwater.
I mean if we had a sea monster… or, like, knew how to breathe underwater, then maybe. But I don't think anyone here is a Hedge Wych."


"…what if we get ourselves in, to get out?"


"You caved in some clown's ribs by lifting your tail at him.
Ragamont once took down a military convoy almost solo because he got angry enough. And he's still in there. I think you might need a little more… kick before you can pull off a clean escape from a place like that.
On the other hand… if we don't go straight to the gallows, that'd be exactly where they'd send you for the assassination. So it may be worth keeping in mind."


"I'm… sort of good at not being held in one place. Or so far, I always have been."


"I can believe that. It's just hard to imagine anyone getting out from the inside without help from the outside, given the kind of people they keep there.
Like Ragamont. The man was a decorated knight who fought in a number of very real and very deadly battles. For any side who paid well enough. He had the uncanny skill to shrug off damage and rush the enemy with blind rage when psyched enough. He didn't really share how he did that, but given his occasional rampage among his allies, it seems like it could trigger accidentally. Maybe it was roses. Between all his weapons and armors, he always had a rose motif on it somewhere."


With Masque's broken mask and some choice samples from the House Arden job as proof, you arrive to prove yourselves as worthy.

Nosey takes a close look at the gem Patches gave him as a sample, and nods slowly
"Ah see y've growin'n nummers. Who're da new'uns?"


[urge to say nobody important rising]
"Dio. I do it for the fun of it."
Bow in a very theatrical pose.


"Kelpie here defected from Masque to help us. We picked this other guy here as a fellow thief in the mansion."


"'s wot makes y'worth a joinin' th'
…wossat y'call'd'em, Patcheys?"
"..:The Cavalry."
"…right. Cav'lry."


"My amazing style?"


"'v seen stly b'fer. Gess' y'noticed, 's'all. S'a start, no'an ennire thing."
"Turncoat,uh? 'ems not uncommon, points t'er fer seein' Masque ferra loser 'e was."


"Yeah, Masque was a simple takedown. Gimmicks on theatrics only carry you so far."


"Guess you will have to take a gable on me."


The puts the gem down on a table, leans back in his big chair and lets out a pleased sigh
"Right 'en. I fink 's time t'put y' inne classic test 'a th' Fingers…
…Tell me 'bout th' jobs. Gimme de'ails."


"Taking Masque? We stormed in, not a lot of subtlety in it. Got a bit rough in the middle, but Patches came in with our defector and it was smooth sailing from there.

Next, the heist. We took advantage of a party, got some uniforms, went in and looted the place while the occupants were busy partying and drinking. Found Dio there first, so we took him with us. Got bad near the end when the partying got the guards coming, but we escaped in time. Not a single shot fired, clean and precise."


"Trouble only seems to attract more trouble, huh."


"Mhm. Patcheys, wosse part 'es leavin' out?"
"He kept throwing dud explosives at people. Almost never got them to blow up right."
"Aight, yer turn. Tell me aboutte jobs, inyer own words."


"Beat up some guys for the first. I couldn't really fight well, but seems like bashing them with my tail worked. We managed to fight the Masque. Well, not the real ones at first, but I found the real one when I sneaked behind the curtains. We showed him mercy.
As for the other, overheard some stuff about it in an inn, flew over the fence, didn't see anything valuable so I snuck upstairs, picked the lock and found all the valuables inside. Once that was done, we packed up and flew away."


"My, you paid attention to that?"

"You really need a proper weapon…"


"Fightin' folks b' liftin' y'tail? Heh…"
"She also fell off the roof right off the bat and spoiled our ambush."
"'course she paid att'ension. S' tradition t' get y'name like 'at - based offa yer biggest messups 'r' quirks"


"you 'en, mr. gamble. Wos yer story?"


"I do… or just need to stay out of fights."

"I had to improvise!"
Glare at Patches.
"That was an accident."


"From how far back do you want to know?
I steal because it's risky, because it gets me that rush.
And just last night I stumbled upon your group.
They really hate that capra guy with them!"


"Sure it was, luv. Sure it was."
"Takes a certain' kinda moindset 'ta imp'rvise like 'at 'f ya ask me."
"Well 'y certainly ain't got a way w' vivid storytellin'…"
"He also really seems to like dirty paintings."


"One day you will see the artistic side of heretic paintings, Patches."


"That's what you'd like to think, but it has nothing to do with showing my ass off!"


"There's heresy, and then there's the imagination of an aeon whose life has involved him visiting the most depraved establishments beyond imagination for countless years and partaking in them until he has attained completely mastery of the deviant. His taste is a little milder than yours."


"I somehow doubt it. Those tight pants must be constricting your… artists tastes."
"so quick t' jump t' such d'fensive talk…"
"So, s'pose the question is - wot d'ya think yer names sh'd be?"


Lick my lips in an overtly theatrical fashion giving him bedroom eyes as a response.


"I just don't understand why everyone thinks I'm lewd when I'm not!"


"Well well, I appreciate the compliment."

"Did you know that water is dry?"

"Hell if I know. Barrel Kitten? A cute animal is nice."


"I don't make mistakes. I just make the situation more interesting."


"I ain't askin' 'bout yer own name y' self-cen'red knob polisher.
Wosshould th' other knob polishers be called?"


Glare at you.


"Didn't mention that. Hmm…"

"Tail Lifter!"


"And you, D. Just like that. D."


"Sure it's not too much of a mouthful, Big Prude?"


"Hey, I was just thinking about how to help you say your own name when you make it big and use your gold to have your mouth stuffed with demon cocks most of the time."


"You wish."


Nosey is pinching the bridge of his nose and trying to stifle uncontrollable giggling as he listens to you squabble.


"No scratch Big Prude. You are such a prude, that you should be called THE Prude!"


"Hey, I actually wanted a painting at first. Thought some of it would make nice inspiration for weapon decoration. I'm content in knowing I can indulge myself in my vices and never reach your level."

"Hey, hope's not wrong."


Snicker and let him be.
"Is this amusing you?
How much longer should we keep going, then?"


"'ntil y'feel sa'isfied."


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