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 No.757445[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last time on HolyQuest Autumn had arrived from his leave of absence only to beset us with another hiatus. The HQ crew strung out of their crack ships have taken their last resort to defeat a monday without a game. FEMTO Presents Holy Kyusetsu!! Uchikeshi no Rapyuchitsu ga Koko ni!

This quest is intended to burn the time away while we wait for the current hiatus to be over and we can move on with the main plot of the 3rd act of HolyQuest. Players will be allowed to remake their character sheets and replay old characters or multiple characters at the DM's discretion. Please make your character appropriate to a highschool setting.

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Gabriele seems somewhat dejected but mostly annoyed by the utter lukewarm response. "Well, don't everyone stand up at once…" she mutters under her breath

As Volkama calls her over, her expression lights up, fluttering over to him graciously. "Yes, hello Volkama! I take it you might be interested? You see, I was hoping to have some posters made were it not too much trouble."


As the cheerleader mentions that Amy doesn't come until it's about to begin, Flaming grumbles under her breath. "Agh, darn it… I'm kind of in a hurry, I need to find her and then go to another club BEFORE wrestling starts! Can you at least tell her when she comes by to stop by the Occult Club after practice is over?"

As the other mare calls her out, Flaming winces as the loud call causes her headache to act up again. "OUCH! Not so loud, I can hear you just fine!" She says looking at the mare, "I was just looking for Amy, but don't worry, I'm going!"


Pryce assists Summer along with the minor details, working as a good assistant.
"You're a real pro at this, don't think I've seen anypony move so quick through a kitchen," He says impressed.

He looks over as another of the members enters. As Solar comments on him, he nods.
"Mhm, though I can't stay too long on baseball or drama practice days. Aside from those I'll be helping around the kitchen."


"Ladie Gab you are too loud, gab, gab, gab that is what you do, quiet down would you." Volkama waves his hoof at you as if shirking off your enthusiasm. He drinks from his thermos filled with chai tea and coca cola. It smells delicious

Mocha wears a pursed lip, she refrains from saying anything but you can tell she agrees with Volkama. Not the best way to approach a group of introverts.

"One step at a time Gabriele. Why don't I rouse my student's attention for you. Then you may tell them what it is you came here for. How does that sound?"

"Sure! I'll make sure to do just that" Dania gives you a warm smile befitting someone you can trust.

Princess Laciela says "Thaank yoou." But it doesn't sound all that grateful.

"OOoooooooh" Solar Wind coos illustriously "A real man is helping you out in the kitchen. Aren't you so lucky."

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 No.757873[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

At last, the final sight of all those staying upon the surface of your World is engulfed by the interminable darkness.

The Great Seal rends the earth with a deafening quake, as it slides nearly shut, open only by a hairsbreadth. The Loyal Kerberos, ten thousand Umbral Hounds strong, holds one end of Shei's Black Thread in one of his mouths. It is for that reason that the Great Seal has not been shut entirely.

Members of each faction procure a variety of small light sources to aid in grasping the shifting, unpredictable stuff that became darkness upon your perceiving it. The presence of the light, conceptually implying a "darkness that must be lit," renders more of the chaotic stuff into darkness, that is then lit. Fortunately, all that seems to be around you now is a cavern tunnel, as long as it is broad and tall.

The other factions are silent as they walk, tensely keeping weapons at the ready. As you go with them, a nauseating vertigo wells up from within. It feels like gravity's shifting to be before you, as if you were walking down a vertical surface. Although you do not fall, your bodies scream warnings at you that every step could send you hurtling into the chaos ahead, or perhaps, "below" you.
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"It isn't my name," the Witch says. "But it was once a paladin order to which I belonged. We played at being successors to the Sons of God, after the disappearance of their Founder, and the order's subsequent dissolution. But, just as the Sons did, our order fell apart as well, and our membership scattered in disgrace. I am one of a few who, unwilling to remain on the surface world, struck out – for Tartarus."

She shrugs. "Of course, I only made it as far as Limbo, the First Layer. I couldn't hold a candle to Wineberry or to Vinland. So, I screw around up here."

"Are we supposing there's a little teapot somewhere in this valley we gotta find?" Hurricanrana says, tilting his head. "Is it perhaps short and stout?"

"No more singing, please," Desert sighs.

"Actually…" Mudi says. "In Tartarus, the will is supreme… It's even true at an Anchor. You saw how people suffered when they used techniques to move great distances without being seen, like the Ecclesian flash step. Oh! And we all had to agree on what we saw before we could even enter the anchor!"

"Oh no…" Desert groans.

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"Oooh" Shei is disappointed "You were just the off shoot, of the sons of God. I really was going to ask for an autography."

"Did you meet the Arm of God?" Shei asks "He's surprisingly polite for being one of the limbs of God.. and -uh when he made you a bargain -did you take it?"


Shorthorn's eyes light up with surprise, and she turns to face Shei. "D-does that mean… is she…?"

As she clarifies she was only successors to the Sons of God, Shorthorns deflates visibly, though still very much intrigued.

"I see. I'm sorry for your order, it sounded like a noble one. We're trying to follow in the Sons of Gods' footsteps too, in our own way. And, I can't express how exciting it is to find someone else from the mortal world down here! I wasn't sure if we'd be alone or not."

Trying to get back on topic, Shorthorns asks, "So, you *are* the witch who cursed the princess here, right?"


Leather takes a middle position, ready to either defend or provide support fire depending on what the journey ahead leads to.


"Take it from someone who has spent more time down here than you–" the Witch says. "Anything you hear claim to belong to or be from 'God' is not to be believed. Best not to overuse that word. An Anchor may be safe enough, but in the Abyss – tantamount to suicide. What you encountered was most likely an Umbral who became overmuch obsessed with that thing, and began to hallucinate a theosis."

As a unit, with paces in sync despite the disparities in height and length, the Ecclesians move out, following behind the Paper Trail.

"Cursed?" the Witch repeats. "Is that what they're saying?"

She scoffs, then full-on laughs, like it's the only funny thing she's heard all day. She shakes a ratchet at you. "My Craft is in the mechanical arts. I put no curse on any one of them.


"People like them… don't need any curse from anyone. They are curses unto themselves. Curses unto one another… you get me?"
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 No.755391[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Last time, in the Castle of Silence…

After whipping up a quick meal offering, the expedition team ventured out from the warehouse to approach the Necromancer, who floated languidly through the northern streets. Upon confronting him, they found him willing to engage in dialogue, whereupon he divulged that he indeed had been to the Pillars… in fact, he entered Agatecastle through the Pillars, indicating the existence of a clandestine gateway between the Pillars and the Castle itself. It was as this came up that Lost Hope accidentally divulged the existence of the Ironcastle Expedition Team, a fact which the Necromancer found quite interesting. Huitlapan panicked and tried to walk back Lost's revelation, only to be frozen solid with a blast of winter air.
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The others keep silent as they help the soldiers get to the safety of the arcade, following Firmgold's direction for an indirect, winding route. However, they exchange glances of doubt, conveying they caught it too – this hope the battle has engendered is nothing but deceit.


Deadweight tries to figure out why the scrummage would've been a ruse.



Roll #1 6 = 6


Lost for her part begins to comb the area for anything suspicious or useful.


Roll #1 10 = 10


A post-script…





It's incredible…

Everything is here.

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 No.755503[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last time, on Anno Castra…

A long discussion unfolded between our explorers and "Mendicant Rudolph," assuming that was his true name. The dissident priest who unleashed a startling manifesto about the bleak future facing Ironcastle was, after all the panic and unrest he caused, a rather unassuming figure, not particularly unusual, nor even memorable. He maintained that everything in his manifesto came to him in a startling vision, which also included the zero-day virus that he used to forcibly download the manifesto to every Magicomp in Ironcastle.

This was an impossible feat, according to the Lux Deorum, as Rudolph had no background in technology whatsoever. They completely discredited his story about receiving it all in a vision, divine or otherwise, and maintained that he had to be working with a group of fellow terrorists and malcontents who wished only to stir up chaos in Ironcastle. However, Rudolph proved that he had information he could not have possibly accessed otherwise: He knew that the party had spoken with Godspeed. Just as this seemed to lend credence to his story about visions, he uttered a still stranger thing… that events that had unfolded in Ironcastle were also unfolding in other Castles as well, from ancient historical events such as the rise of the Brotherhood of Flagellants, to the schism of the Charismatics from the Abbey, to the development of mutually intelligible languages across Castles, despite there being no methods of communication between them, and the massive distances that separated them.

Before they could question him further, the DLs furiously dismissed the party, and took them away, back to the baggage claim area of the Ramparts. Many more hours than they had perceived finally caught up with them, and they had to get a ride from Rockfall back to House Titanite.
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"Maybe we can go up the tree? Bound to have some safe place." Billy offers up.


Zamrud looks at the nine different Rides and Grutars also appear to constrain the Herbs, shaking his head as the distant howling of the coming Dreaded Ones put everyone on high alert.

He looks at Good and nods, "Agreed, the buildings are our only cover. Everyone head into the nearest one, we'll hold up there. The question is what to do with 'them'." He says, looking at all the Rides, Grutars, and Herbs.

"We can't just leave them out here, they'll be eaten alive. I think the effect only works on direct contact, can any one use magic to move them with us remotely? I believe affecting ONE of them should affect all of them."


Grutar stumbles about as his legs get shaky, holding his helmet in one hand he tries to keep himself steady as best he can. "Whoa whoa whoa! Thank goodness I didn't have any booze before this! What didja say about a prom, lad? Did someone dump ya?!" Grutar says as he looks for possible dread sources.

>Search for dreads & stay stable.


Roll #1 4 = 4


"Perhaps the time dilation will keep them safe? I cannot imagine this was a thing that occurred suddenly, just now. Perhaps the time effect will keep them safe… but, I do not feel good about leaving them be. Is there a way we could seal them away safely?"


As you try to discern what to do next, a vertigo, then a sudden crashing, waves up over you, as if you had suddenly been dropped on your side onto a Castle ocean's cruel and uncaring waves. Discombobulation follows, and light and shadow play before you, as you stumble, reeling… dark figures of flesh and insatiable hunger tower before and around you, and your muscles, weak, instinctually reach for weapons – either to slay them, or yourself, and spare yourself a most incomprehensible fate…

But some providence of the gods, a divine boon… columns rain from the dark heavens. Not light, nor even darkness, but distortion, and energy, fall like raindrops, upon the monstrous figures… and in an instant of grotesque horror, you witness them shredded, twisted, ground and slain… until, weakened by the impact of hitting the waves, you succumb to weakness, and fall into sleep…

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 No.756270[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The Echoes are changed to their core.

Skylord Lysander is dead. The veil of the Cuckoo's Egg is lifted, revealing a new and altered world. The old chaos runs rampant. In a distant land, the flame of ambition is lit in a woman's heart. And somewhere, sometime, the drifters who were at the heart of it all awaken, amidst the ash and rubble of their former home.

Runes of Union hang in the sky, radiating their primordial spell. The world is unmade and remade again. Beyond the scope of the light they knew, and beyond the reach of the terror and dark, the drifters tread now, peering through the fog of the Conjunction, in search of answers…
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The dragoness does not attempt to hide her dissatisfaction with the state of their adventure. "As if the starvation and dehydration was not enough. The gods challenge us once more." She says, scoffing at that last statement. She begins to spread her wings as the aching pain of exhaustion shoots through them, keeping her grounded.

"If we cannot find shelter, we must hurry into this town." She says, surveying the landscape in a vain attempt to find anything that would help.

Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 7 = 7


"I would have found it if it was destroyed" Aegis says plainly
"It could have decided to leave… I haven't made use of it much, if at all… Perhaps one of the demons got impatient and decided it should go into someone else's hooves so they could get them to come after me, since I didn't manage to keep my end of a deal"

Upon hearing the serpents up to trouble again, Aegis stands up and trots after Dalliance


"Up to it again? We'd best go see what's up, yeah?" he offers, grabbing his bow and running out after Dalliance.


"Hmm.. I could certainly check. The fall damaged my notes quite badly, but perhaps there's still something of use on gunpowder.."

Pulling out the remains of my Alchemy notes, I carefully flip through what's left on the hunt for gunpowder recipes.
[1d10] notes search

Having checked for Information, my search was interrupted by the sounds of the serpents' arrival.

Packing away my notes, I follow after Dalliance in concern, tense at the thought of the serpent's strange gaze.

Roll #1 6 = 6


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Pitstops. Small buildings that exist between cities all across Equestria. Often there will be rusting down autocarriages and chariots rusting around them in makeshift walls. Among many of the pony tribes these are considered neutral ground for all to gain respite from. These pitstops are centers for trade and could be the basis for many cities if they had better fortifications.

A pair of heavily armed and armored ponies have arrived at such a pitstop in the northwest, where tall buildings vie for vertical control against tall forests both dead and alive. It is midday and there are few inhabitants resting here.
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Grimsley grimaces at the molerat biting at him. He stomps on its enlarged head.

>Unarmed attack with 10 grit


Tora, dismissing the rats as basically harmless, moves to just hit that big bastard with another pair of strikes.



Grimsley looks to the big diamond dog. "I suggest you run," he says in a flat tone.

>rolling to intimidate with a Charisma of 2


Roll #1 1 = 1


I also try to make the molerats flee with angry irish horse noises with a Charisma of 7


Roll #1 6 = 6


You stop the molerat's head and its skull explodes under your armored hoof.

You hit the Diamond's weapon out of his hand and break off the last of his armor, he would be dead here but.

Covered in blood of a fallen pet, the shivering Diamond Dog nods and starts digging his way back into the ground he burst from.

You stomp and snort with the correct vigor to scare off these remaining molerats who dig and burrow back into the ground as fast as they can.

It is quiet again, dark still. Ahead of you is a bridge made of old grey sandcrete with ruins of a shanty on it.

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 No.673155[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Time moves in one direction, memory in another.

Calling sheets for the 85th session of TimeQuest
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"Dad… got a call from work to go to Ponyville about some elites. It's serious… we're going to be out for a few days, probably," Onyxia says, trying to word it as nice as she can.


Nero pulls Ahatsunu behind Him and tanks the shot [only the 5 hits, for 1 DMG]. The buckshot slams into His chest ineffectually. Rather then respond immediately, Nero looks back to Wizard Luke.

"Why does everypony keep forgetting how many of us are bullet-proof?"


You catch Wizard Luke in the middle of doing crunches while floating in 0-G's "I'm not bullet proof, I simply ignore the bullets through sheer mental tenacity. No magic about it. Either bullets stop you or they don't."

You see Wizard Luke traveling forward effortless in zero gravity, but by the effort of continuous and effective mid air crunches.


Solethik nods, "Honest to hive truth. It's not like it's common, you can count the number of instances in the last decade on your hooves, but some infiltrators get so wrapped up in their charade they lose themselves in it."
"What about their constant need to feed on love? Surely that'd give them some kind of hint." Celestia asks, equally incredulous.
"It tends to happen with infiltrators who've worked their way into a constant and steady source of love, healthy marriage or kids and all that so they can absorb the love so frequently they don't even realize they're subsisting off of it. It's stupidly rare but it's a thing."

As you ask Celestia if it's her first time, she nods, "Actually, yes! My word, I wish I could stop to appreciate the feeling for a bit. I've always wondered-" she pauses, "Wait, is it not YOUR first time, Nero?"

You pull yourself through the air, floating gracefully(?) through the bridge of the ship in lack of gravity as you snatch up the globs of alcohol as they pour out of the bottle. You find your way to a control console, wherein some of the alcohol drops its way onto one of the circuits and, in a freak accident, you suddenly feel gravity restore, the hooves of Nero touching down nearby against the still cold metal.

However, this same act seems to fry something else in the controls, and as you comment on crashing into the moon, Nero suddenly says from behind you, "I don't think that's going to be a problem."

You see that the moon is not on your direct path as you're coming out of Earth's orbit. The sun starts to pull into view, glaring against the screen before establishing itself dead center in the middle. You notice the acceleration steadily increasing.

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She sets the crew down back in their spots. "Now, can anyone repair our ship?"

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 No.752299[Reply][Last 50 Posts]



Hello user! Today's date is Tuesday, November 14th, 601 A.F.N. You have no scheduled events for today.
>Command Prompt:

/sys:(User: 0130)/Prog/Quests/Carousel/Thread 1.0



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After a long, fruitless night of discussing plans and alternatives, you each end up asleep in various locations in Lucy's apartment. The following morning Lucy heads with you to Glam who nervously fiddles with his claws as you approach. After his long apology about misunderstandings and how he owes you a favor for trying to kill you, you head out of Thorn street for now.

Lucy hesitates as you step down into the subway station. After a moment's consideration she steps down with the rest of you, bearing only a pair of saddlebags and her katana strewn across her back. This mission was a success with Lucy coming back to Centro with you. But her knowledge of [null] and the task at hand has only really added more questions.

>Despite this, you feel like you have learned something from this tumultuous trip. +3 Karma to all party members.

After a much more uneventful return trip than the one you took out to Thorn you all find yourself back at Centro. The skies are cloudy and dull. The dogs are suspiciously absent.

Lucy speaks up. "Cute place. Not one of Cherry's safehouses I remember though. That means we have basically nothing to work with for this heist. That means not enough firepower to kick the door down and hold off security. Seems like the stealth approach is our best bet. Objections?"


He snorts with displeasure at meeting up with Glam again. "You yellow little shit. Next time, it'll be double- no, triple the pay, up front, or you can find some other goon to do your dirty work."


He takes a look around, arms folded. "None from me. I can work with stealth. Seems like the easiest way to go about it. Forget the uniforms."


I mean with enough time I can get a decent gang together of holograms to act as muscle for us."


He nods. "Once things inevitably go tits up we'll need some meat shields for sure. Can't see this going any other way than punching our way out."


>That's a total of 4 Karma, I think!
"Stealth is fine by me, yup. It'd probably be a bad idea to risk making too much noise, even if we had the gear to. Need me to try scouting ahead?"

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 No.753511[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Seven months ago, five drifters arrived in the far flung pocket of reality known to the outside world as the Echoes. With nothing save for their names and the clothes on their backs, they carved out a living for themselves, beginning a journey across the foreign land, gaining new allies and new enemies alike. The winds swept them across the wilds, bringing them to a forsaken desert known as the Shifting Sands, where they met someone they did not expect: a being long thought myth, known to many as Discord. Wisely opting not to free him, or retrieve the artifact he coveted, they moved on.

In Braildorn, one of the great cities built in this world, they crossed their most mortal foe of all: Lysander, a dragon of great renown and a collector of rare and magical items. They bested him, claiming his ship as their own, and were marked as his enemies forevermore. This caught the attention of an unusual couple: Dawn Chorus, a great magician, and her knight Carabas. Mortal foes of Lysander, they joined forces with the drifters, explaining the object of his desire: the Cuckoo's Egg, a harbinger of dimensional annihilation, and the very same artifact they had discovered in the Sands. Lysander wished to claim it in the name of an entity that haunts the Echoes, known only as the Oneiromancer. With the help of Cecile Grosvenor, Lady of Braildorn, these three would stop at nothing to claim the Egg for themselves.

Fate carried them across the plains, back to the fiery Shifting Sands. There, Discord was freed, and Lysander was on his way to retrieve the Egg for himself. Not only that, but he had betrayed the Oneiromancer; he rejected the entity from Outside, wanting the Egg for himself and claiming some of the Oneiromancer's powers. A great battle ensued, and Carabas was lost amidst the sands, but the Egg was wrenched from Lysander's claws, safe with the drifters, for now.

While traveling with the Egg, the party was subject to several fortunate and misfortunate adventures including the return of the Oneiromancer to the corporeal plane. The question remained of what to do with the Egg from here; after much deliberation, a plan was hatched. They would set sail for the Isle of Glass, a forsaken, beast-infested rock far removed from the rest of the Echoes. Here, they would challenge Lysander to a decisive combat, and deterPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It's a rock. It could be thrown at an enemy. Quite thrilling.

The carrot is barely stomachable. She watches expectantly, eager to please. "Living off sunlight?" she parrots. "Like the plants do? How strange. Though, no stranger than being kidnapped by mute cultists only to escape to find the sun having vanished, I suppose."

She blinks at your question. "No, what for?" she asks, completely genuinely. "I don't need to eat, or drink, or sleep. What's it like, anyway? I'm curious now."


"It is… carnal. Unexplainable. It is merely a form of desire that can be satiated. At least, that's what the most devoted said. I… really cannot explain it." She says, almost confused at the question.

"Sleep however, I could not go without. It is nice to be able to stop the day and spend time away from it. It is like sorting ones life into little periods of sixteen or so hours. It is… comfortable." She says, yawning at the tail end of it.


"Ah. Well, that cements it then. You should probably do that when you're ready, and I'll keep watch for anything that happens in the night. I'm used to spending a lot of time alone at night anyway. When I was with Father, I'd go on walks through the city at night. …It wasn't a nice place. Gloomy. Unwelcoming. Lifeless, even. The people there were… suffering. And my father always wanted me to…" She trails off. She doesn't seem to have many good memories.

"…I wouldn't go back there. Looking back on it. Have you ever been there? Last Hearth? It's… well, I don't know where we are now, but it's on the northern side of the river. Inland, at the foot of the great mountain."


The dragon nods solemnly before settling down for the night. "Nicola, if you need anything, even just to talk. Do not hesitate to wake me. I do not want you to be lonely." She says, closing her eyes and laying down.\

She speaks with her eyes closed. "I have not been there." She yawns. "But we will face it together, and whatever happens, happens." She says, her usual prose lost to sleepiness.


She nods as she sits down. "Thanks. But I should be okay. Really. …Sleep well, Tlawili." She seems unsure of whether she should be saying that, awkwardly shuffling to face away from you, and stand guard.

The floor is hard and uncomfortable, but you'll have to make do. Seems that storm's going to pass over, at least. It takes a while to get comfortable, but eventually, you slip away, drifting into a deep, dreamless slumber. Time will only tell what tomorrow will bring.
>+2 Enlightenment points!

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 No.751376[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last time, on PirateQuest…

Cutlass, Alder and Cerulean went south through the jungles of Cuauhtemoc, seeking after Captain Bee Holder and her four first mates, to update them on the situation with the informant, and the investigation of Gullveig's attack. It wasn't long before they found them, as the Watchkeepers seemed to guard the southern regions of the island far more jealously than the northern ones, and Bee Holder's party were forced to turn back after surviving encounter after encounter.

Cloud aided Mallea, Thessaly and Godot in collecting medicinal plants to restock their supplies following all the intense battles that had plagued their stay on this mysterious island.

Meanwhile, aboard the Thunder Serpent, Captain Kukulcan and his own trusted inner circle raised an automaton of their own – but not one of the Watchkeepers, over whom Kukulcan supposedly had authority as a god of the island. Rather, it was Two Tons, a sapient construction purchased on the Black Market. They were not expecting any manner of intelligence from the robot, so rather than press it into indentured servitude, Kukulcan negotiated for the robot's loyalty in exchange for fair wages, living accommodations and mutual aid.
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"I can handle being a little tired," Cutlass responds as she eyes Sparkler's bruises with concern. "Though, we should both heal up when we get a chance."


Cerulean looks behind her as the barrier goes up, but rather than spend time trying to break it, she begins to look around the room. If this was some kind of ambush, she was going to try and not be taken by surprise.



Roll #1 2 = 2



"Right…. Wait, how did you know that?" Cloud questions.

As Chiu grumbles and her proposed nap ruined, Cloud wraps a comforting wing around her.
"Can't say this often, but this is something I know will be alright," He consoles.


Sir Pent slithers off of your arm and crawls over to Sparkler, and bumps his head against her arm until she relents and gives him a pat. Sir Pent soon bites off an old scale, one already on its way to falling off, and holds it out to her. Curious, Sparkler takes it, and after some deliberation, starts to mash it in a pestle while her healing takes its effect.

*Click click* the beetle continues, patiently awaiting your questions with its forelegs folded up together in a professional posture.

Your shark senses tell you there's something worth taking in this room… but it might be a nap.

Juniper flings herself into the pool outside the room, and Cycle follows suit. Juniper then climbs out and steps through the doorway with no issue.

"Looks like the Mechpriests would have had to purify themselves with a ritual bath before entering here," Juniper says. "But for our purposes, just stepping into the pool is enough to enter one of these kinds of chambers, I suppose."

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